What is going to come of our 2nd amendment?

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It is wrong, since our numbers have been increasing steadily, especially among the younger/urban set, since the AWB expired (which also coincided with gun-oriented video games, btw ;)). People most definitely hunt less per capita, but I'll bet more animals are taken each year almost everywhere (the backlogs/lotteries just keep getting longer and more expensive in Texas). There are more people target shooting and competing than ever, and in more ways, and there are more places with carry permits/rights where more people are purchasing guns for protection. More people are becoming aware of the civil rights issue guns are since, I'll bet, the Civil War or even Revolution. Hopefully aware enough they can make it plain to the anti's early on how stupid/suicidal this line of tyranny is, and get them to direct their meddling efforts elsewhere.

TCB, I have no doubt that you are correct. I just don't understand why the NRA membership has not increased with all of these new shooters. It seems to have stuck at 5 mil for a while now. With an estimated 100mil households with guns, why only 5mil members? That's only 5%, which is pretty pathetic. The NRA may not be for everybody but they do present a serious lobby in DC and we need more voices to stay strong. Perhaps the NRA can give a free 1 year membership with every new gun purchase (to non-members only) and keep them on a different mailing list with a less aggressive money grab? If they can show the candidates 15mil instead of 5mil members that would help a lot more.
"I just don't understand why the NRA membership has not increased with all of these new shooters. It seems to have stuck at 5 mil for a while now."
Wait, I thought it was like 4mil before Newtown? :confused: That would "only" be a 25% growth in a single year

"With an estimated 100mil households with guns, why only 5mil members? That's only 5%, which is pretty pathetic."
-Gunowners who actively object to NRA activism* (I'll bet a quarter, or more)
-Gunowners who can't spare the money or think they can't (I'll bet another quarter)
-Gunowners who don't think it will make enough of a difference to be worth their time and that others will be able to get the job done for them (the remaining 45%)

Getting people to give you money for free is hard work ;)


*Not just politics, but endless solicitations and 'impolite' public personas
2A has very little meaning anymore. The supreme court is reluctant to take up any 2A issues and they defer everything to the states. If your state wants to pass more gun control they will and the fed won't stand in the way. Your rights depend on the state you live in. There is a systematic dismantling of fed control and big gov't and that will be with us for awhile. Look at what's going on with the locals in NV and UT confronting the BLM. Which fed agency will be the next to be in the barrel.
As far as the NRA goes I would have to say that there is t a rise in membership for many reasons. A few that come to mind is that a lot of younger people do not have a lot of disposable income. Despite what the media and the gov tells you jobs are hard to come by these days. Many young people graduate from college and cannot find work for decent pay and are stuck with large college debt and not much of a way to pay it off. Many will work whatever job they can until something better comes along or they make something happen. Neither of these are easy. So, the truth is most might be able to afford or work to afford the hobby but they are not just going to donate money all that easily. Hell, I do ok for my age and I can just donate large sums of money to the NRA either.

Aside from the above many young people, myself included, do not feel the NRA uses our donations wisely. With all of the harassing calls and constant bombardment of mail and email campaigns they do one would be crazy to think this doesn't eat up a large portion of their funds which leads me to believe little of it goes for actually fighting for your rights. I can go on and on but these are just a few examples of why membership may not be growing that much.
As to the original question, what will happen to the 2nd amendment?, you can be certain that the left will continue to attack us and the 2nd Amendment. And you can be assured that we will continue to fight to protect our freedom. The idiot Dumberg has dumped many millions into the coffers of the gun-haters, so the fight will go on. Beware of the last 3.5 years of Oblama. He will be after us. We have no choice but to keep fighting.
"There is a systematic dismantling of fed control and big gov't"
I'm not that lucky

"The supreme court is reluctant to take up any 2A issues and they defer everything to the states."
It could be argued they do this because certain members are not confident they would rule as a majority appropriately, or that the federal government would not abide by its edicts on something so controversial and ingrained in their thinking (my theory for why ACA was upheld; it was too big for them to strike down by the time it reached their bench --all +1,000,000,000,000$ of it). Were that the case, the court would find its authority damaged and for no practical result regarding the ruling; so it makes more sense to go along with the Feds for the really big stuff instead of trying to drag everyone kicking and screaming (since they have no manpower to do so)

The NRA also holds a certain...stigma to large portions of the populace. Completely undeserved, but all too real. And it will remain that way for many, since you can't exactly prove you're not a racist, and you can't exactly refute it without accepting the claim :rolleyes:

Hey I'm 18..yes it is true, a lot of kids are getting brainwashed in school. But as I have found out, it takes very little to get them to turn 180. Seriously. If a teacher told a class that a video game is 'evil', they would go try it and soon discover they enjoy the thing. And never listen to that teacher again, haha. Same thing with guns. At my (now old, I just graduated) school there is a rabidly anti gun/NRA teacher. All the kids love him but the ones who I have taken shooting very quickly rethink what they have been told. So the bottom line is this: stop thinking all is lost and take a kid shooting. The vast majority will look forward to it and you will create the new pro gun movement in the process.
Actually, my experience has been just the opposite. The younger people I've met are both more pro-RKBA and more solid on it than my generation. To be honest, I think games like Call of Duty/Battlefield are the equivalent of the late 50s/early 60s cowboy shows for that generation.

The only thing I've run into is they tend to be a little bit more gullible to pleas for "reasonable gun control" because they don't have 20-30 years of being screwed over in "reasonable" "compromise" solutions yet. If you take the time to explain all the history though (which is a task in its own right), most of them recognize the scam quickly and get a lot more skeptical of future attempts.
wannabeagunsmith, thank you for your comments. Your experience mirrors mine.

I often bring people who never shot before to my range sessions and even those who were not pro 2A (yes, I work with many Democrats/liberals) usually have a change of heart after the range session. I noticed female Democrats/liberals particularly express personal safety/self defense concerns and many have obtained carry permits.

Yes, do take people shooting with you and become an ambassador of Second Amendment.
"I just don't understand why the NRA membership has not increased with all of these new shooters. It seems to have stuck at 5 mil for a while now."
Wait, I thought it was like 4mil before Newtown? :confused: That would "only" be a 25% growth in a single year

"With an estimated 100mil households with guns, why only 5mil members? That's only 5%, which is pretty pathetic."
-Gunowners who actively object to NRA activism* (I'll bet a quarter, or more)
-Gunowners who can't spare the money or think they can't (I'll bet another quarter)
-Gunowners who don't think it will make enough of a difference to be worth their time and that others will be able to get the job done for them (the remaining 45%)

Getting people to give you money for free is hard work ;)


*Not just politics, but endless solicitations and 'impolite' public personas
Maybe gun owners are spending all their extra money on 22 ammo. I have no use for the NRA being they were for background checks and they agreed to the idiotic cop killer bullet bans which has just led to the banning of Russian 5.45x39 ammo. They are like politicians now living first class jetting around the country
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