What is the legal response? Can you defend your home or property?

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Since the OP lives in AZ & not TX, I'm sure TX law means nothing to him. In AZ you cannot use deadly force to protect property. You can threaten to use and use deadly force when you believe you or a family member or a third party, are in danger of eminent physical injury or death. If neither is believed to be the case you can only match the amount of force used by the aggressor.
I have a novel idea.....Stay inside till there gone.Giving them what they want will only keep them there longer.If you ignore them in time they will give up because they will know that what they are doing doesn't seem to bother you.

Experience tells me that they thrive on your dis-pleasure of them being there.
Plus kindness kills....be polite.I see no reason for "Any" type of violence,be that of the water hose,sprinklers or verbal.Till they actually attempt any means of entering your domicile no action of any kind is needed other than notifying the police.

And in the case of the police bringing them there,call the local news media and inform them of whats going on.I'm sure they would love to run that on the local news.I can see it now......." Local Police Department inciting a protest on private property" film at ?????? (insert time).
Or maybe call a county or state agency to trump the city police.

Or the four possibilities I didn't think of till earlier Mimes, snakes, clowns, or bees.

'Course if that happened here I have materials on hand to have an electric fence up around my yard in five min. Eat that, protesters!
AZ, for being on your lawn, N0 shooting. Coming inside your house, Yes to shooting.

In fact, I belive the law says "the living area" which makes the garage debateable unless they are pointing a gun at you for example.
One of these days, those leftist terrorists age going to try their crap with the wrong person and some of them are going to get shot - legal or not.

Having said that, a large, unruly mob definitely presents a lethal threat. The disparity of force would justify a deadly responsi if they attacked someone.
You could use that stinking cat fish bait you’ve had laying in the sun for a couple of days. If you do fish I find rotten chicken livers work well to deter anyone except catfish from coming with in a 10 ft radius. Or any rotten foods will work.
SEIU Protests at Bank Lawyer's Home

After seeing this on the news and hearing that the homeowner's kid was home alone I started asking myself what is the legal response here?

If I told the people to leave and they did not what can I do? In this case the police actually escorted the protesters to the house!

I live in Arizona, and my real question is, do I have the right to come out blasting with my shotgun or rifle if the police won't respond?


Next question.
One of these days, those leftist terrorists age going to try their crap with the wrong person and some of them are going to get shot - legal or not.

I bet the people who sent them there to protest would love that. Not only do you get a bunch of martyrs for the cause, who by the time the press is through lionizing them will be just one step short of Martin Luther King, Jr., but you get weeks and weeks of press reinforcing your narrative that <insert target of today's minute of hate here> are evil people who must be defeated by any means - even if that means shredding normal Constitutional procedures.
I know the OP was asking about a different scenario, but if the original question was changed to "How would you get these people off your lawn?" the answer would be-start handing out job applications and tell them they are guaranteed a job if they just complete the application.. From the looks of that "government fed, housed, & supported" crowd, the lawn would be vacant in seconds.. Sorry, I had to call it like I saw it.
It seems to me that if they attempted to enter the home then you should have the right to defend yourself IF your state has laws supporting THE CASTLE DOCTRINE. If it doesn't then you will be expected to retreat (run out the backdoor, run to another portion of the house, etc) before defending yourself with deadly force.
You will not be able to use deadly force because someone is on your lawn acting like a fool (even if they are SEIU). They could be keying your car, spray paining your house and digging up your rose bushes and you will be in the wrong if you use deadly force when your life is not threatened.
A 14 year old boy was home alone. This is something to think about. If you had a gun safe would you give your child the combo and have him arm himself? I can only speak for myself but my teenage child has had dozens of range trips under her belt and would be trusted to arm herself and lock herself in her bedroom in this type of situation while waiting on law enforcement.
My teenage daughter was home when we had a pair of trespassers. They knocked on the door and she didn't answer (good girl). They then went to the side and opened the gate and came into the side yard. She grabbed the M&P 870, made sure it was loaded and got her cell phone (good girl). They came onto the patio a few feet from the sliding glass door. She started to call 911 but saw their attention was away from the house. (bad girl, she should have called anyway when they came through the gate) She held off dialing and kept an eye on them.

Turns out that the neighbor was selling a boat and the trespassers couldn't get into their back yard so they went into mine to eyeball it over the fence.

Every situation is different but a little planning ahead can make things a lot better.
I'd think that having a yard full of protesters would be a great time to put on the gas mask and do some smelly plant/bug spraying.:evil:

Along that line, would releasing a fog of OC be a viable alternative to other measures?
GUILLERMO - "Turns out that the neighbor was selling a boat and the trespassers couldn't get into their back yard so they went into mine to eyeball it over the fence."

Which just goes yet again to prove that stupidity in some persons is unbounded. :uhoh:

Which just goes yet again to prove that stupidity in some persons is unbounded

no doubt

The were TOTALLY unaware that a very able 15 (or was she 16) year old girl was watching their every move.

One thing that I was very happy about is how calm she was.

I had gotten a call from the neighbor while all of this was happening. They were asking if I was home so that I might let the potential boat buyers into their yard. I called my daughter to let her know that someone might come by. She answered in a almost British accent "interesting the timing of your call father" and then she explained the situation

After I told her what was up she went back to studying but kept the shotgun with her until she knew that they had gone.

She was totally unfazed.

I giggled for a while after I hung up.
I have a home-based FFL. Many of the local cops are customers and I expect they would recognize the address when they heard it over the radio.

If I needed the protesters removed I would dial 911, make popcorn, and record the ensuing hilarity.
Texas law is irrelevant to the question of what you could do in Arizona, always has been and always will be until AZ decides to give up being a state and merge with TX.

Apply the rule of thumb in any state that you aren't justified in shooting until there's a credible threat to life. A mob on your lawn that isn't waving pitchforks and torches and wearing funny clothes doesn't fit. Even if they're damaging your property you're likely to end up in prison if you "come out blasting".

Ask them politely to move to public property, the sidewalk in that case. If they don't move inform them that they're all trespassing and that you're now telling them to leave to leave and that if they don't you will be calling the police, pressing charges and filing civil suits for damages to your property. Do this with a video camera in one hand and the cell phone with an open line to the police. If the police won't respond call the sheriff and then the state police if the sheriff won't respond.

Only a an immature moron "goes for the gun" when they're not forced to.
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You may be entitled to use reasonable non-deadly force to defend your property. Someone with better knowledge of AZ law could give you a detailed answer.

P.S. Shouldn't this be in "Legal" ?
Physical Force

I do not live in Arizona, so cannot speak for your state. In many states, you can use PHYSICAL force to remove someone unlawfully on your property/yard.

A dog, water hose, pepper spray, tear gas, might fall into physical force. You might be legal in physically trying to remove that person with your hands to help you escort him off your property.

Dogs are good to keep people out of the yard...pepper spray is another great option.
first i call 911 even if their are uniform police with the crowd. so their is a pubic record of the incident. second if the police refuse to do their jobs the city would probably be liable. also could you sue seiu or indivuals. i dont think they can refuse to do their job. my queston is can someone shoot them with a paintball gun? this would be non leathel force. i would normally never advise this but it would piss me off if the police refused to do their job. now that im thinking of it where i live they have this news station that goes out & tries to find goverment workers not doing their jobs or businesses cheating their costomers. they would love this, not only are they not doing their job they are participating & allowing illegal activity.
Sprinkler system would probably work.

Having read this, if I were an executive (i.e., likely target) that might be facing this sort of thing, I'd modify the sprinkler system so with the push of a button I could put something else into the water - indelible ink, smelly bug spray, skunk scent, etc.

I's stick to non-lethal methods to deal with "mere" trespassing - as long as they didn't attempt to attack my house, I wouldn't use lethal force.
As I was reading this I kept thinking pepper spray, tear gas, smoke grenades? Untill at the end someone finally posted it. How bout you open the window and just start spraying out until they leave, trust me they will that **** is painful.
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