What is the reality of AWB in TX

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Jan 15, 2007
I am in texas and I am hearing all this talk about assault weapon bans.. What is the reality of this happening in texas? When could this possibly hit texas? I am wondering if i should pick up a few more AK's.. serious question ..
Snowball's chance in ..................

I wouldn't worry about a state ban.

Man I sure hope so .. My girlfriend thinks I am crazy for buying up extra magazine's and possibly a few extra AK47's .. Maybe she is right .. I think this is the one time I can ever remember I want her to be right and me to be wrong
You have a better chance of walking outside and seeing the tooth fairy and the easter bunny kicking Santa's butt.

:eek: :scrutiny: ;)
There is a difference between a state ban and a Federal ban. It is unlikely that Texas will enact any state laws restricting the sale of semiautomatic rifles.

The Federal Government, on the other hand, had a reinstatement of the AWB just introduced into committee.
So the state law over-rides federal? ...doesnt sound right.. the link didnt work ..
state law doesnt override federal last time i checked. I could see state bans in some of the communist satellite states like california, maryland, and illinois. State ban or not isnt going to matter when theres a federal semi auto ban. if you dont think its going to happen, just look at who is now, and whos going to be running the show in the next few years.
state law doesnt override federal last time i checked. I could see state bans in some of the communist satellite states like california, maryland, and illinois. State ban or not isnt going to matter when theres a federal semi auto ban. if you dont think its going to happen, just look at who is now, and whos going to be running the show in the next few years.

Thats what I am afraid of
state law doesnt override federal last time i checked. I could see state bans in some of the communist satellite states like california, maryland, and illinois. State ban or not isnt going to matter when theres a federal semi auto ban. if you dont think its going to happen, just look at who is now, and whos going to be running the show in the next few years.

Exactly, anti gun congress and 3 of the most promising presidential candidates are rabid anti gunners. Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, both Democrats, and Rudy Giuliani republican. Even McCain is not pro RKBA, and supports many gun control issues, though not as many as the other three.

So whoever wins, combined with a very anti congress, we are likely to see some serious legislation concerning RKBA.
Exactly, anti gun congress and 3 of the most promising presidential candidates are rabid anti gunners. Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, both Democrats, and Rudy Giuliani republican. Even McCain is not pro RKBA, and supports many gun control issues, though not as many as the other three.

So whoever wins, combined with a very anti congress, we are likely to see some serious legislation concerning RKBA.

Hopefully more states will follow Montana's lead and not fall prey to Federal gun laws.
Yanus said:
I wouldn't worry about a state ban.

Famous last words... "it won't happen to me".

Usually, I'd just let these comments go (and I don't mean to single anyone out - this one just really stood out to me), but this is the type of attitude that causes me some worry. If you ever find yourself scratching your head in wonderment about how something came to be, just look back at this post to find your answer.

Never say never.

FWIW, the original Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act was introduced in the House by a Texan Democrat.
Uh, we've had a thread running on the feds' doings for some time now.


It's up to five pages, last I looked.

Odds are it won't get out of committee.

Anybody here from Texas ought to join the Texas State Rifle Association, TSRA. Ms. Tripp keeps folks up to date on what the Legislature is doing.

I don't doubt that somebody may have dropped a ban-bill into the Tex-Lege hopper, but the odds are great that it will never get out of any sub-committee, much less the full committee.

Federal laws on such things as gun take precedence over state laws. If you don't believe it, try buying a gun from a dealer without filling out the 4473. That's the real world we live in, not the woulda/coulda/shoulda.

Federal laws on such things as gun take precedence over state laws. If you don't believe it, try buying a gun from a dealer without filling out the 4473. That's the real world we live in, not the woulda/coulda/shoulda.

Well, sure. But the ablity to hold discussions separate us from the animals. If we're going to only speak of laws and facts we could do away entirely with the forums and link to the .gov sites on laws and the news sites for how it is.

Its a grand tradition going back thousands of years to conduct public debates and it enriches us all.
No State law does not overide fed law, however........State law can put into effect additional restrictions. State law cannot "LOOSEN" fed law, however it can add laws to further tighten fed law. I witnessed this first hand in NJ the last few years, Fed law said preban hicaps were legal, not so in NJ, only preban of 15 rounds or less were legal. Thinking your immune from bad things happening to you guns because you live in TX is ignorant. Its starting urban areas and spreading like cancer. Why? because the most politically active folks in our countries tend to be the folks that move from the city to the suburbs and get involved in local gov't. Guess which side of the fence their on.
Sure, an AWB bill has been placed on the agenda for the House.

Anyone else notice there were NO co-sponsors to the bill? There's a growing number of Democrats who are shying away from gun control. Not because of principle but because they've noticed a troubling fact...everytime they get something major passed, they start getting their brains beaten out in elections in many parts of the nation. And they're coming to the conclusion that gun control isn't worth the price.

I'm not saying there are not Democrats in office who will still try. That's obvious. However, it appears that passing gun control might turn into an uphill battle within their own party.
I think Patrick Rose is a Democrat and he's got a good gun record.

As for State vs Federal law, I read this somewhere (I don't recall where, but it ought to be included in the constitution):

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
With the most recent TX anti legislation, I called my State reps immediately to voice oppositiong.

Though I don't expect a TX AWB to pass, why leave any margin of error? If the State reps get bombarded with calls every time someone so much as suggests anti- legislation, it'll keep them on their toes.

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