What is your IPSC Classification? Do not lie!

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Jul 3, 2004
Puerto Rico
We all like to brag, and sometimes lie, about our gun handling skills. Now it's time to post the official results directly from IPSC!


Class Percent Rank
D 32.58 276
Puerto Rico
Class Percent Rank
C 41.36 20

Class Percent Rank
C 44.51 213
Puerto Rico
Class Percent Rank
B 61.87 11
I would think most of the posters here are USPSA members, does that correlate to IPSC classifications? I am not aware of how the two compare.....
Hi, heres my classification, dont know if the USPSA shoot the same qualifiers or not, but here is mine.
MIght be a little old, classifiers are for some reason not popular here in Norway.




Class Percent Rank
C 44.75 209

Class Percent Rank
M 86.80 2
Date Classifier Stage or Match Name Percent
2005-11-23 CLC-27 62.13
2005-11-23 CLC-09 47.61
2005-11-23 CLC-17 38.48
2005-11-23 CLC-29 30.77
2005-11-23 CLC-51 0.00

"Best 4 scores of the most recent 8"
Best 4 scores (percentages)
Most recent 8

Um, if we are talking IPSC, I'm unclassified.. If we are talking USPSA... I am classified B in everything except Open and for that I'm classified as a C. Now I am attending the Canadian IPSC nationals and they ask for a classification, and when I asked about this they said "Whatever you classify in the US, is good enough for IPSC". That being said, I'll be classifying as a B revolver shooter for the Canadian Nationals unless I earn my A card before then.

Well, dumb question time and I appear to be guilty as charged.........

Am I reading this right that you have a national classification AND an international classification in IPSC? I see warthog has a M card in Norway and a C 'world' card?

Here are my USPSA classifications:

OPEN Class: U Pct: 0.00 High Pct: 0.00
LIMITED Class: B Pct: 73.53 High Pct: 73.53
LIMITED10 Class: B Pct: 64.56 High Pct: 70.94
PRODUCTION Class: C Pct: 45.46 High Pct: 45.46
REVOLVER Class: U Pct: 0.00 High Pct: 0.00

The L-10 classification is based on only 6 classifiers, the last one at 45% and pulled me down a good bit. The production classification is from just 4 classifiers ranging from 19% to 75%:rolleyes: I should have an Open classification in the next month and a half, and I expect the initial number to be high 60's to low 70's.
B Open (I shot one classifier match....I'm not big on open)
B Limited
A L10 (because I shoot L10 more as I think it's better practice)
IPSC, none. USPSA is M all the way around. However, my current ability level is lower. Getting old sucks.
IPSC- None..

IDPA- don't know...but sure is fun shooting.

USPSA- M Open, M Limited, M Production, A L10, M SS , Revolver working on it slowly.

My goal...A

I didn't start IPSC/USPSA until I was 51. I'm never going to be very fast.

I shot an area match last yr on the same squad as the GM who won in limited.

I got just about as many points as he did, but I was about 5 seconds slower per stage! I'm never going to be able to move like he does.

Anyway, unless you're in it for money or glory, it's supposed to be fun!

OPEN Class: C Pct: 49.30 High Pct: 49.30
LIMITED Class: C Pct: 56.98 High Pct: 56.98
LIMITED10 Class: B Pct: 60.04 High Pct: 60.04
PRODUCTION Class: C Pct: 55.94 High Pct: 55.94
REVOLVER Class: C Pct: 28.16 High Pct: 28.16
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