what model scale

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No, but it's a rather interesting design concept. Don't really know, but maybe an old Lyman?

Does it weigh accurately, that's all that really matters anyway.


I haven't been able to test it yet,but I do have another scale,and test weights.
I have a rcbs 10-10 scale ,which is also almost identical to the lyman
That scale is actually an old Ohaus 505, it's the forerunner of the Lyman M5 and the later 10/10's.

I believe this scale, with the large aluminium pan, was introduced in the late 1960's and only sold as the "Ohaus 505". The excellent Lyman M5 is slightly later with the smaller pan. The 10/10 is still later, has the extra weight to attach on the beam so weights up 1000gns can be weighed. The 10/10 also has the rotary poise system. The 10/10 was sold as Ohaus or RCBS 10/10.

I have a couple of these old Ohaus 505's - they are excellent scales although the smaller pan of the M5 is easier to use.
Too funny I have a similar Ohaus from that period still in use!



Price tag still on box, but can't read it is too faded out...
These are excellent scales - That one is identical to the Lyman M5, notice the smaller pan, knurled adjuster and the additional weight.

I think these were one of the best reloading scale made, more sensitive that the later 10/10 (made before the accountants ran the companies)
I've got an identical one to cwall64. Good scale. I don't see what's so interesting about it... just a good scale! They pack away nicely in their own case.
Only thing is I think the magnetic dampening isn't what it used to be when new, but neither am I (can't see as well as I used to, extra weight around the midsection, etc...)! My father bought this scale when I was in my teens, as well as a RCBS Rockchucker, RCBS Uniflow, and lots of RCBS rifle and pistol dies - they all still are in use!
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