What to do with Dewine...?

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May 30, 2003
North Central Ohio
The guy is a lowlife moderate, was part of the "gang of 14", and is no friend to gunowners.

the problem is, his seat will be open in november, and the only other options are sherod brown (spit), or worse, paul hackett.

what will (or would, for those not from the buckeye), do come election day?

personaly, theres no way i'm voting for any of the above. Ohio repubs need a wakeup call
You should read your own signature, or maybe do a quick search on this board. Hackett is progun, and taking the Dem leadership to task for being wrong on our issue.

Proud lowlife moderate
DeWine is the absolute epitome of RINO. Spends money like a drunken sailor, goes along with every liberal 'idea' that comes down the pike, always willing to compromise his core values (as long as compromise means he gives in and lets the other side win), and votes anti-gun at every turn. The only good thing I can say about DeWine is that he stood by the President's nominations for SCOTUS.

As Ohioans, we need to fire his ###(backside). While I don't want to put a Democrat in that office, it may be our only choice to get rid of him. Put a Democrat in for 6 years and get a new republican who won't side with the Democrats every chance he gets. In reality, as gun owners, how much worse would it be to put a dem in there? DeWine's vote already goes to every lousy gun-grabber bill to come down the pike....:cuss:
Let's keep this on topic- guns and liberties, DeWine's positions on each and the positions of his opponents. If this turns into a general political "republicrats vs democans vs. libertarinerds" rant fest it will be accordingly closed.

mrtgbnkr said:
DeWine is the absolute epitome of RINO.

What I believe you mean by RINO is the type of candidate that can get elected. Republicans are not obliged to be radical right wing, absolute libertarian, or any other fringe position that would alienate enough voters to lose elections.

I think there is no question that DeWine is an oddity, but let's not throw labels around too loosely. It is really just a rude way of treating generally decent people with which we disagree.
I will not vote for DeWine because of his voting record toward gun owners. If that means voting Democrat so be it. :mad:
If hacket is the only pro-gun candidate, why are we having this discussion? If the republicans cant field a single pro-gun candidate from all of OH, maybe they need a wakeup call.

Note that I am assuming that Hackett is genuinely pro-gun, not Kerry-style pro-gun.

Can anyone post any proof of the positions of the candidates regarding firearms, and the keeping and bearing thereof? Who will vote for national CCW reciprocity? Who will vote against Democratic sponsored AWBs and other foolishness? If Hackett will break with the leadership of his own party, then sure, elect him.

But if electing him will put Feinstein, Kennedy, Clinton and Boxer in control of the Senate and in control of committes, then I say dont do it. Much of what keeps gun control dead is having senior committee republicans that are staunchly anti-control and kill stuff before it comes to the floor. With a Democratic majority all the anti-gunners will be running committees due to seniority.
The voting record of DeWine and Voinovich toward gun owners could very well put Democarts in office. I'm disgusted with both senators.:cuss:
Fastlane said:
I will not vote for DeWine because of his voting record toward gun owners. If that means voting Democrat so be it. :mad:

Yeah, that'll fix it. :confused: If there was a pro-gun Democrat in the Senate, he would be the first one. Check your GOA ratings...zero Democrats with remotely acceptable ratings. Forget about independence. They vote as a group.
RealGun -
IMHO this venomous labeling is not high road, and a detailed response to it would not be high road either.

get over it, its true.

I will agree with you on hackett though, all he has been is loud, hot air (read; politics) anybody who can be that rabid of a bush hater couldn't possibly be rational enough to help our side.

I can see hackett as the 5th man in the infamous pic of kerry, kenedy, fienswine and billary walking out of congress after a job well done :gag:

i just don't know what to do. dewine and voinivich consistently screw us on all gun issues (along with most other "core" conservative issues as well). that being the case, why not vote the RINO out of office? a Democrat in his place doesn't change the status quo one bit from where I sit
I'm sending the Republicans a message with my vote. After they loose a few elections maybe they won't take the gun owners vote for granted. Gun owners have done our part, we have given them the Senate and House and the Presidency since 1994. What more do they want us to do? In Ohio I think it is time to clean house.
Fastlane said:
I'm sending the Republicans a message with my vote. After they loose a few elections maybe they won't take the gun owners vote for granted. Gun owners have done our part, we have given them the Senate and House and the Presidency since 1994. What more do they want us to do? In Ohio I think it is time to clean house.

Sound bites.
Bigjake said:
get over it, its true.
I will agree with you on hackett though, all he has been is loud, hot air (read; politics) anybody who can be that rabid of a bush hater couldn't possibly be rational enough to help our side.
Whereas using canards like "low life moderate" is the hallmark of rationality. :rolleyes: You need to turn off the Savage nation and switch to decaf, homey.

I can see hackett as the 5th man in the infamous pic of kerry, kenedy, fienswine and billary walking out of congress after a job well done :gag:
You should actually try to learn about something before you criticize it. Hackett is decidely progun. I know why many Republicans like you actually don't want Dems to be progun and you hope they don't become progun. I wouldn't want my opponents to drop the single biggest issue that costs them votes either.
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