What was you favorite "dumb moment"?

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Apr 15, 2004
Gainesville, Fl
We all have had that moment where we, or someone we know that is gun knowledgeable, has a truly ridiculous thought that is a total embarrassment worthy of endless ridicule and taunting.

For a friend of mine, it came when we were at a gun shop and he was buying a shotgun. Let me say that he is very gun knowledgeable and is in fact a 60 yr old gun collector. On this day he was putting a shotgun on lay-away when he looked at me and this is the short conversation that followed:

Friend: I can't buy this.
Me: Why, what's wrong.
Friend: It's a 3" Magnum
Me: So
Friend: I want to shoot 2 and 3/4

I was stunned. I just laughed inside and with an absolute straight face told him to tell the clerk behind the counter what he had just told me. As soon as he repeated to the clerk what he had just said to me, his face got beat red. He had realized what he had just said and to this day, I just can't let him live that one down.
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