Most ridiculous gun moment in a movie or TV show.

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Watch these on slow mo/DVDs/films with gun incidents

Watch for these gun related scenes/mistakes/goofs:

In Beverly Hills Cop 2, when "Axel Foley" runs up to the big cement truck and jumps on, his pistol falls out of the back of his pants(this is why good cops use holsters ;) ).

In The Watcher, when James Spader's FBI agent points a Glock pistol at bad guy Keenu Reeves you can clearly see that the SFX/weapons guys put a safety plug in the Glock's barrel.

In the great action flick Street Justice(or Avenging Justice, check ) with Lou Diamond Philips and Scott Glenn playing tough LAPD detectives(based on the real SIS unit), a cop gets shot and the squib(blank) sparks up and then starts a small fire on the actor's shirt. :eek:

In Kiss The Girls, the bad guy(a sworn LEO, :uhoh: ) calls Morgan Freeman's SIG P-226 9mm a "Glock". Whoops! :D

In the recent film: 16 Blocks, when Bruce Willis discharges his Glock pistol it jams(you can see the barrel and brass case get caught), watch for it because it's quick! ;)

For many years while watching Raiders of the Lost Ark I thought the film makers/producers made a big goof when they show Indy shooting round after round with his big revolver in the bar shootout. If you watch closely you see Indiana Jones run dry and pull a 1911a1 .45acp out of shoulder holster. What's strange is that Indy never really uses this 1911a1 .45acp again in any other Indiana Jones flicks. :scrutiny:

What's strange is that Indy never really uses this 1911a1 .45acp again in any other Indiana Jones flicks.

If he used the 1911 you'd never get the neat Webley extractor scene in "Last Crusade." :)
Hmm... there's a scene in Goodfellas where Lorraine Bracco is pointing an (actually loaded!) S&W Chief's Special .38 right at the camera, that changes back and forth from blued to stainless over and over and over and over.

The worst scene, though, was with one of those fake "hardass" lady detectives that seem to be in every movie and tv show these days. I can't remember what movie it was, but she drops her keys under her car, pulls her service weapon, and starts dragging it across the concrete trying to pull her keys into her reach.

Ugh! Just thinking about it makes me cringe.
Gun used correctly ? Two movies come to mind, Heat and Ronin... Heat has the best shootout I've ever seen in a movie oh and The Wild Bunch... great movie....

It could be something to do with Andy McNab (Ex-SAS) being heavily involved with the film 'Heat', he trained most of the cast in weapons etc. Robert DeNiro probably took that training with him into the film 'Ronin' which came after 'Heat'.
One of the best post's i've read in a long time guys.

In Black hawk down the guys that got separated are runningt to meet up with the rest of a squad, you can see the pyro from gunshots go up around the guy but the sound effects are of a totally quiet city. Guess one of the "skinny's" forked out the dough for a supressor. :neener:

In Swat when the "rouge" swat officer shoots down the chopper. His scope has a square reticle that moves and locks onto targets. Where do i get one for my .243 savage? Poor deer...

Its almost sacreligous to say this, but Red Dawn. The very beginning when the school teacher gets blasted by the full auto. The timing was off on the blood packs exploding on the teacher. Shot Shot Shot Shot.... (5 seconds later at 10 yards)... The teacher finally gets hit. Those Ruskies gotta learn to load their ammo a little hotter. 3 fps isnt gonna cut it during an invasion.
Maybe not a real good one here, but remember when the Joker takes out the Batwing with that ridiculous revolver? And besides, it is the Batwing after all! A mere bullet takes it out? C'mon.
And besides, it is the Batwing after all! A mere bullet takes it out? C'mon.

He was using some of those COP KILLER bullets from Lethal Weapon. They're unstoppable!
I watched Precenct 13 last night & I feel like I wasted about an hour and forty minutes of my life. Everything about that movie was horrible.

70's version or 21st century version?

Other than the Egregious gun errors--Mauser c96's? Like driving a Model T in a modern movie!--it was good.
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Fire, Aim, Shoot (Or, How the French Stormed the Bastille)

Years ago I watched some totally forgetable old B&W film (meaning it was probably a huge hit in the 1930's) in which ragged, tattered, cheese-eating, Conscience-of-the Worlders were drunkenly storming the Bastille (That's where they used to lock up lots of French people... but not all of them). One of the crowd was clutching a musket, it clearly fires as evidenced by the puff of wig powder (or whatever Frenchies use for gunpowder), then he lifts it up, aims it, and then pretends to shoot, only no puff of smoke happens.

At the time, I laughed myself silly thinking it was a blooper in the movie. But considering the prowess of French Arms, I guess it may have been non-fiction documentary. Either way, it sure was a hoot to see.
Scenes from Navy Seals

In the movie: Navy Seals,there is unrealistic handling of various weapons and of the stinger missile-launcher.I haven't seen the movie for years,so I can't remember much about those scenes,with mishaps in them,but they were openly critisized by many nitpickers on movie websites.

In the Bond movie:Tommorrow Never Dies,Near to the end of the movie,Bond and Wai Lin were locked in a gun battle with Elliot Carvers sailors,whilst on board his stealth-ship.In the gun battle Bond holds two Mp5s,then an Mp5 in one hand and his p99 handgun in the other-and he started shooting at the sailors accurately,by pointing his guns in different directions.

Stampher fired an M16A2M203 or M4/M203 assault-rifle/greande-launcher combination at Bond-which was very near him-and the blast from the grenade didn't injure him, in the slightest-despite the fact,the blast being inches away from him.

Elliot Carver had (I think) a silver Smith and Wesson handgun,when Bond and he had a standoff-when Bond took Gupta hostage and Carver holds Wai Lin at gun-point,to make things difficult for Bond.Carver eventually shoots Gupta,and after that the gun battle begins.Elliot Carver is later shouting at his sailors to put-out the fires around the areas,surrounding the cruise- missile-launcher and points,whilst he spoke with his gun,and then tells Stampher to kill Bond and Wai Lin.This was the last time we saw Carver's nickel/stainless steel gun.

So what had happend to it?I doubt he dropped it,because he wasn't much involved in the gun battle between Bond and Wai lin, and Bond couldn't of easily got to him anyway,because at that time he had many heavily armed men to protect him,from Bond and Wai Lin.

Before Carver met his gruesome death,at the hands of his seadrill,he is seen pistol-whipping bond and holding him at gun-point with a Glock17 9mm,that was probably taken from one of his dead sailors.
In Black hawk down the guys that got separated are runningt to meet up with the rest of a squad, you can see the pyro from gunshots go up around the guy but the sound effects are of a totally quiet city. Guess one of the "skinny's" forked out the dough for a supressor.


I understood the character who's point of view we are using in that scene was deafened by his buddy's gunfire, like in the opening to Saving Pvt. Ryan.

If not it might be an error, or for some dramatic effect. I'll have to look again sometime.
Any gun battle in Hawaii Five O was a joke if it involved Jack Lord. Lord was an avid anti-gunner BTW. The one I remember was there was a Sniper on top of a 10 story building. Jack pulled one of his famous dead eye Steve Mcgarrett hip shot kills from the parking lot with his .38 special snub nose. :eek:
The A Team cracks me up also! For a bunch of "Trained Spec Op Warriers" they couldn't hit a single person they aimed at!

My favorite stupid gun scene is from Arnold, when he beaks into the gun store, and presses the "Secret Button" behind the counter exposing a room filled with granades, class IIIs, and even Rocket launchers!

The other thing that cracks me up all the time in movies involve "SILENCERS". I see people screw a 6" suppressor onto a REVOLVER, and its as quiet as an airgun!
For many years while watching Raiders of the Lost Ark I thought the film makers/producers made a big goof when they show Indy shooting round after round with his big revolver in the bar shootout. If you watch closely you see Indiana Jones run dry and pull a 1911a1 .45acp out of shoulder holster. What's strange is that Indy never really uses this 1911a1 .45acp again in any other Indiana Jones flicks.

Not a Colt 1911A1,but a Browning HI-Power 9mm pistol.If you watch the scene carefully, you will see that the gun Jones switches to,from his revolver is a Browning.

There is another scene when Jones cocks the slide of his Browning HI-Power,when the Nazis from the U-Boat-boarded the cargo-vessel in search of both he and Marion.

Jones was captured by the Nazis later on in the movie,when he decided to steal a rocket-launcher,to threaten to blow up the Ark,but ended up surrendering-because the Nazis surrounded him,whilst Belloq beforehand kept him talking,by calling his bluff and thus slightly imparing his judgement.It is possible that the Browning was taken away from him,for obvious reasons and because it was a brand-new pistol with a unique design-a double-capacity magazine.One the first to have been invented,at the time of when this movie was set in-1936.

The Browning would have been a year or less old,in this movie.There is a similar problem in Titanic,where the old guy has a Colt 1911,in his possession-a year after it was first manufactured and not for civillian sale-at that time.

There was one possibility of how Jones acquired his Browning;he was supposed to have beaten a Belgian Army officer at a game of Poker-who gave Jones his Browning,as a prize-for beating him.

I think that was one reason why Jones,didn't have that particular handgun in his possession,in the other two movies.

The Nazis in WW2 were very fond of the Brownings and issued them to the Waffen SS in WW2,after they had captured Belgium and put the FN factory under Nazi-control.
There was one movie where there was this black (as in African-American) black ops agent who was killing crooked cops, one in each state, and they showed him using a "silencer" that was about two inches long.
My favorites were

The old cowboy movies in the 40s when we would count to see who could shoot the most bullets without reloading. As I recall the winner was 18 shots and I think the Durango Kid did it.
How many of you old dudes remember Him? And I wonder why he has never shown up on TV?
The two intentionally funny gun scenes I can remember are:

The Naked Gun where OJ tries to kick a door in and instead of the door flying open, his foot penetrates the door with his leg getting stuck in the hole. Meanwhile all the bad guys inside are topping off magazines and loading revolvers.

I'm Gonna Get You Sucka where the Issic Hayes character fills his coat with a large assortment of weapons (pistols, revolvers, short barrel SG, etc.) and then slips on a cartridge spilled onto the ground. When he hits the floor everything in his coat fires until all the ammo is spent.
<The other thing that cracks me up all the time in movies involve "SILENCERS". I see people screw a 6" suppressor onto a REVOLVER, and its as quiet as an airgun!>

Thats not as bad as 24. In the couple of episodes I have seen, they try and make it look like a can half the size of a cigar could make a 9mm inaudible one room over.
Yeah, that's always bugged me. No one seems to realize that a good can is huge.

Speaking of supressors, in "Magnum Force" the crooked cop a slip-on can for his Colt Python. Say what?
Most ridiculous gun moment in a movie or TV

Lets not forget the range Scene in S.W.A.T, when TJ and Hondo are firing. TJ's 45 keeps firing with the slide back and out of battery.
"Grosse Pointe Blank" where Dan Aykroyd and John Cusack have a gunfight in the kitchen. Aykroyd with a pair of S&W revolvers and Cusack with a couple of semi autos. Hilarious.
One of my favorites is in the first Predator movie when one of the soldiers is mowing down the jungle with the ELECTRIC powered GAU-17 minigun. Am I missing something or was one of the other soldiers packing the generator on his back. And another thing 4000 rpm x 20 seconds equals 1300 rounds plus the weight of the gun itself. A touch heavy even for Jesse Ventura, not to mention the 250 lbs of recoil.:D
Actually, if you read Jesse's autobiography (or watch the featurette on the new anniversary DVD) he actually packed that weapon for a good amount of the filming - with two motorcycle batteries daisy chained to provide power. Some of the firing for 'Ol Painless was shot with him packing all of that crud. :) At least, if you believe the documentary.
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