What will this bring?

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Dec 23, 2012
As per I've heard, there was another school shooting in Decatur, Ga. To some it up, he had an AK-47, owned multiple firearms, and was a felon. He supposedly fired a couple rounds in the school building (no one was injured, or killed) and then fired at police. (All of this is coming from MSN) http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/08/20/20107233-man-alerts-tv-station-then-opens-fire-on-police-at-atlanta-area-school?lite
Anyways, do you guys think this will bring any new bills into Congress like Sandy Hook?

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Nope. Disgusting as it may be, this is not enough of a tragedy for the media/political leeches to latch onto in order to further their misguided causes.
To some it up, he had an AK-47

Well, coming from a journalistic source, that means he had some kind of firearm that may or may not have been an AK47.

I think this incident also continues to prove two things:
1. Felons can get guns even when not allowed by law
2. Current school "security" is a joke against a determined individual
Well, coming from a journalistic source, that means he had some kind of firearm that may or may not have been an AK47.

I think this incident also continues to prove two things:
1. Felons can get guns even when not allowed by law
2. Current school "security" is a joke against a determined individual
I understand that, but what else do we have to go off of?
what else do we have to go off of?

You'll learn that there's not many details of value in an initial news story so the we have to be patient and we have to be cautious about swallowing the "blue pill" handed out by so-called journalists who are usually ignorant of the facts and occasionally guilty of bias.

BTW, a "school shooting" is formally defined as a shooting of people at the school and not from or at the school building. It also requires injuries or deaths to have occurred to staff, teachers, or students. Anything else is just a shooting at a school.
Sadly, any bills, or attention from the media won't be focused on the fact that he was a felon who was free to walk around, posing a threat to society. Instead they will jump on the "we more gun laws" band wagon as usual.

Seems like one of the school secretaries talked him into surrendering. Good on her.
Saw that headline at work "Man fires AK47 in school, no one hurt" I said to the doc standing next to me, "See, that is why I do not own an AK. Had it been an AR like I have, there would be dead people every where." I nearly spit his lunch, others, didn't think my humor was funny :)

To the OP, some dunder head will bring it up in the remainder of the week but I suspect it will fizzle quickly.
There will always be idiots, and there will always be guns. Occasionally, the two are bound to meet. I don't see this as the catalyst of any new movement.
Hopefully it will provide some help to get rid of the "Gun Free School Zones" and getting qualified school personel the rescurces to train and carry.
Sadly, any bills, or attention from the media won't be focused on the fact that he was a felon who was free to walk around, posing a threat to society.

Probably not, given how completely impractical it would be to hand out life sentences for every felony conviction.
I'd like to know exactly how he got the gun. If it were thru a private sale Joe Manchin might use it to try to get traction for his bill but if it were stolen or obtained in a lawful sale where the guy passed a background check (I know he was a felon but stranger things have happened) the press will probably won't report it.

On NBC this morning there was a Sandy Hook parent using the term "Gun Safety Legislation" instead of "Gun Control" to make it sound warm & fuzzy.
Initial reports were of an "AR style assault rifle" but apparently some reporter who actually had some idea about guns has reported that it was a AK style weapon. Of course I will believe it when I see it as it could just as easily have been a Red Rider. Maybe the reporter who called it an AK actually DOES know what he is talking about. Wouldn't that be a change of pace?

They also reportedly had a bomb dog that reacted to his car so it is possible he had something else in the trunk but earlier today they had not released any additional info. Sounds like someone looking for attention or possibly wanting to go back to jail as he told the lady he didn't want to hurt anyone. I am glad she was level headed enough to talk him down.
Shep just said that nobody was injured but that he had "HUNDREDS of rounds of ammunition"! Real emphasis on "hundreds".
A convicted felon with a gun! Legally he can't have one but he did and the lawful gun owners will get blamed because he broke the law. And the courts are about to force the release of a bunch of them because of prison overcrowding, I can't see any problems with that can you?
This case is a bit odd. In the others the intent was to kill people. He did not seem to be interested in killing anyone. It is as if all he wanted to do was cause a commotion and scare people. There is far more to this one than is being told. What is coming for gun owners? I believe a new round of intensified gun control laws and in lieu of that ammo control laws.
I wish somebody would get a duffle bag FULL of hammers (claw, ball peen, masonry, you name it...), go to a parking garage and commence smashing out a ton of windows.

Then we could all get together and start making a fuss about banning them because "look at all the damage they caused.

Inanimate objects are not the problem. Maybe if something so absurd was too happen they would get it. (I doubt it though)
Was this the guy who called the newspaper before going on his rampage? Another idiot looking for his 15 minutes of "fame". Maybe he should join up with the Kardashians. :neener:
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