What would cause 4 FTF in a row?

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Aug 9, 2010
What would cause 4 FTFeed in a row?

Ruger Mark III .22lr

I'm using Federal 550 bulk from Walmart.

I went through a box already w/o a problem. in the middle of the 2nd box, 1 mag had 4 FTF in a row.

and 2 of the 4 the bullets just would not go on the feed ramp. it stayed in the magazine. i had to tap the gun on the table to get the bullet onto the feed ramp.

the rest of the box shot fine.

What would have caused those 4 FTF in a row?

FTF= Failure to FEED, not fire
sorry for the confusion

(I cant change the title of the thread, just in my post???)
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Possibly some dirt / unburned power grains got back inside the receiver and bound up the bolt a little. Then worked itself out.

Crap in the magazine hampering feeding?
Damaged firing pin, or debris in FP channel or a broken/fouled FP return spring?

just the first things to come to mind
What did the duds look like? Good primer strikes or weak ones?

If you had junk on the FP tip, it could have been spreading and cushioning the strikes, if you had junk in the chamber it could have been allowing the rounds to scoot forward when struck, crud in the FP channel would hamper forward motion, crud in the FP return spring might keep the FP from fully retracting (reduces the hammer-applied impulse)

The more I think on it, the more it sounds like foriegn material, possibly from a ruptured casing or some lead slivers from the previous round.

Check your FP marks, clean everything, and see if it happens again.

You're not one of those meatballs who thinks a mkIII doesn't need to be cleaned once in a while, are you?
My Mk III also had lots of misfires. Taking it apart for cleaning is a PITA. IMHO the lawyered up junk on the Mk III makes it more prone to problems.
Personally, I use FTF to describe a failure to FEED. And from the context, it appears OP is doing the same??

OP, if you meant light strikes or misfires, please clarify.

IMHO the lawyered up junk on the Mk III makes it more prone to problems.
I've heard the LCI can cause FTF, though I haven't had any, yet. But I have discovered you can pull the pin out with a magnet, then the entire LCI slides out for cleaning, FYI.

Incidentally, I have put 1k rounds through mine and I still have never seen the LCI extended. I have never thought to stop and look at the left side of my gun to check. I have 2 other guns with LCI that I have actually warmed up to, eventually. But the position on the RUGER is just not very practical. And it's not like I ever want to leave a round chambered in a target .22 pistol that lacks a firing pin safety, anyway.
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My High Standard will not fire the cheap bulk ammo reliably. It will strike, leave a good looking mark but not go bang.

I have replaced the firing pin and firing pin spring and talked nicely to it, but it refuses to be reliable with anything less than CCI 'target' or better ammo. CCI target is 99.59% reliable.

FT FEED, oh different story.
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I do keep hearing that those things are really prone to fouling, too. Wonder what it is in the design that does that.
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