When did NRM begin?

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Jan 22, 2005
Lexington NC
I see refs to both NRM and ORM. Is there much diff in size of lettering? When did NRM begin by serial nr...if anyone knows.

Well, I think I bought my NRM in about Oct 2002 and I think mine was from the third batch my dealer received.

Here's an Old Rollmark and a New Rollmark. Sorry for the angle on the Old Rollmark pistol. Though many will disagree, I never really found the old mark to be as hideous as others have but I definately prefer the looks of the newer one.


Cratz2, many thanx for the pics. I take it that with the NRM, they aren't stamping any with the "1991a1'' anymore?
When the first M1991A1 models appeared I thought they looked kinda sharp, the big billboard-sized rollmark notwithstanding. However they were also parkerized and had a plastic trigger that filled the triggerguard opening top and bottom. Later they went to a cheap matte blue, and the plastic triggers began taking on a weird tapered profile that looked like hell. Now the finishes look better along with the nice rollmark, but the new utt-bugly alloy trigger has a pad that's too long, and to me it looks worse than the plastic trigger!

Thankfully with 1911's such abominations are easily corrected, if you don't mind spending more money on a brand-new gun you just bought.
I had to do a double take on that 1991A1. With that trigger, wide hammer and grip safety it looked almost like the one I sold in 1999 just before I moved away from Kentucky. All it needs is a flat Mainspring housing, Ambi safety and a loaded chamber indicator to be it's twin.
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