When Will It End

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Oct 28, 2006
The relatively free state of Virginia
For those of you that have nothing to hide, and don't mind trading off your freedom for perceived safety, our despotic leaders have a new tool for TWOT. Our mail can now be opened and read. I just heard it on the nightly news. There is the question as to whether the new tool has already been used. America the free, but for whom?
The acronym for The War On Terror is TWOT? he he he he he... I happened to say it out loud and my wife thought I was looking at dirty pictures and almost slapped me.:evil:
In what war has mail not been censored? I don't like it, nobody would, but I understand it. Who complains about their side playing to win?

Nevermind, I think I know the answer to that question. :D
In what war has mail not been censored? I don't like it, nobody would, but I understand it. Who complains about their side playing to win?

Nevermind, I think I know the answer to that question.

So where is this declaration of war at? If all these powers are stemming from it, maybe I should give it a read. :scrutiny:
I understand that. I don't have an answer. It would seem that openly declaring war hasn't been politically correct for at least the last half century.

Radical Islam declared war against us back in 1991. Written and delivered by Osama. It is online if you care to read it. I believe they used to keep a copy in the FBI archives.

I can personally accept a war declaration against me without making a big deal about it. Authorities of the time must agree considering they made so little of a deal about it that it took a whole nother decade before even acknowledging it's receipt.
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