When would Senate/House vote?

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Dec 3, 2009
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but when would congress vote on any proposed bans/restrictions.
Obviously President Obama plans on doing what he can to have something like this passed, but I am unsure of when a bill would be presented?

Thank you
No bills have been submitted to my knowledge to either the House or Senate for anyone to react to at this point. This is just the begining.
Depends on how fast the antis can get it there. Luckily we have a republican leading the House, so hopefully we won't have a bill shoved through there so fast that nobody can see what's in it.

Regardless, until it goes through, we need to be vigilant about campaigning for our rights.
Thank you for the replies, I wasnt sure if any bills had been submitted yet.
I will continue my weekly emails.

Thanks again gentlemen
10-11 bills have been introduced in the house, including magazine capacity limits and a registration bill. Many of these are introduced by the same people every year.

No bills of any sort have been introduced in the Senate yet. The first day they will be allowed is January 22, which is when Feinstein has said she will introduce her draconian AWB 2.0.
Franklly I feel he did his dance, and the music is now turned down. We need to continue doing exactlly what we did in the past month, including Gun Appreciation Day. The show is over, he took a bow, and handed the ball off.
Now as long as no one shoots up a school with an AR we should be ok. He will say he tried his best, the people will believe him because they watched him say so on TV, and that, should be that.
There is nothing here for him to benefit from further, we seem to have dodged a bullett unless you live in NY, at which I must reiterate, "move the hell out", if you are a gun guy or gal, you are doomed there. It will take generations to move the elitist gang of politicians that run that hell hole.
OB, will only spend time on policys he is interested in, obviouslly this is a hot potato, that's why he gave it to Joe. He wants no more flack from this.
When Hell freezes over would be a good time.

By the way, while I think gym, is correct about what will happen, it would behoove us to continue to call our Representatives in the House and Senate to remind them that we are watching.
And you're definitely right about NY being a lost cause.

No, but it's going to take a very long time to get through the courts. My guess is that it's found unkosher, but only time will tell.

Now as long as no one shoots up a school with an AR we should be ok.

Which will happen, because we still haven't come near to fixing the root of the problem. Note: Maybe that's their plan?
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