Where do you think your guns will be in 100+ years?

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I hope that they'll be used by my decendents in the great war of the conservatives against the damn liberals when we take over the country and burn Washington DC to the ground and kick the United Nations back to the stone age. Or for hunting and plinking. Which ever happens I won't be around to give a damn. rugerman
I have no idea since for legal reasons they can never go to my son who is our only child. :( I suppose when I am done with them, they will be sold. Or I could have them buried with me. :neener:
My kids won't be happy about it, but my Garand and a bunch of ammo is going into the ground with me.
Self-replicating nanotechnological weapons will have made firearms obsolete by then. Firearms will have gone the way of the atlatl and longbow.
jlbraun, Interestingly enough, last year, PA legalized deer huntning with the atlatl. Maybe in 100 yers, the rifle will be considered a primitive weapon for hunting and a poor mans photon-laser gun.
I Guess I Don't Understand

looks like many are going to be buried with a fine weapon...... why stick it in the ground to rust away with a dead body????????????????????????? especially a m1 garand????!!!!!!!!!!
The blackpowder ones will be at the National Battlefield Parks. A couple of guns will be in museums.
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