Where does the Brady Campaign get its money?

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"One Eyed Fat Man" posted this info on VPC and Brady over at, of all places, Democratic Underground! Good info:

12. VPC, aka Brady, aka HCI, and Joyce Foundation
Edited on Mon Mar-01-10 10:58 AM by one-eyed fat man

As long as the Joyce Foundation keeps funneling money to Helmke they will stay afloat.

One way to determine if an organization has true public support is to see if they garner a certain amount of membership dues. For example, if an organization’s total annual revenues is $1 million and $750,000 of that came from membership dues, then one can reasonably conclude that since dues represent 75% of revenue,the organization represents part of the public. Further, if annual dues are $25, then the organization has about 30,000 members. Such organizations exist to enable groups of like-minded individuals of average wealth to pool their resources, in order to create greater influence with policy makers; a democratic aspect of our First Amendment rights.

Philanthropic Research has a web site named GuideStar, which contains tax returns for many non-profit organizations.A basic (free) member of GuideStar can access the 2003-2005 tax returns of Violence Policy Center. Examining these tax one can see a couple of interesting trends.

Allowing that public support could be partly defined by evidence of membership dues being paid to an organization that claims to promote beneficial public policies. It is telling to note Violence Policy Center’s tax returns as far back as the year 2000 have reported $0 in membership dues.The bulk of their money has ALWAYS come from the Joyce Foundation.

In 2003, VPC reported $1,671,595 in total revenues. The seven top employees, including Executive Director Josh Sugarman and Legislative Director Kristen Rand, earned $654,514, or 39.2% of total revenue.

Joyce Foundation 2010 VPC Grant

Looks like the recession is going to affect the Brady bunch too.
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