Where Gun Control Is Going

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
Where Gun Control Is Going

By Ted Lang © 2003
Published 01. 23. 03 at 20:30 Sierra Time

It is astonishing that the American people continue to fail to get their collective intellectual arms around the absurdity and increasingly dangerous threat to human freedom that gun control represents. Banned by the Second Amendment, restrictions placed upon government by the law of the land are blatantly ignored by that very same government! The Second Amendment permits the individual citizens of this nation to acquire and keep firearms in the event they are needed by the people to remove despotic, out-of-control government. And if Ruby Ridge, Waco, Wounded Knee and My Lai aren’t examples of out-of-control government, then what is?

If campaign finance reform restrictions on the First Amendment’s freedom of speech won’t lead to a follow-on chain of legislation that will be generated in precisely the same incremental gradations as gun control, it would indeed be a miracle! When one considers the "necessity" of war, habeas corpus and the rest of the limits upon our government can be justified as subject to abolition as well.

Never mind that habeas corpus can be suspended by the chief executive politician of our party government only during time of invasion or civil war. If failing to enforce our immigration laws and failing to protect our borders from a massive influx of illegal aliens constitutes an "invasion," then it must be this that is construed as justification by our party government.

As the NRA, the organization liberals offer as being the most evil group in America points out, once the Second Amendment is gone, the ability of the American people to hold its party government in check will also be gone, and the only force left will be that which is controlled by our ruler. How dangerous is that? Let’s look at where gun control has succeeded to its ultimate level; namely, the very nation that gave birth to our desire for individual citizen’s freedom: England.

First, it is imperative that all understand that true gun controllers, those who inspire others to activism, are motivated by a seething hatred for our founding, our history, our freedom and our rule of law. Hatred and a need to destroy motivate them. Once this motivating psychological factor is grasped, deducing the outcome is both simple and assured.

Once the hatred of gun controllers succeeds in illegally abolishing a constitutional amendment by legislation instead of by the repeal process as specified by our constitutional rule of law, the will of approximately 70 percent of Americans, a clear majority, will be overpowered by the vocal socialist minority, and the infringements so accomplished will go far beyond that ever dreamed of by the Founders. What an accomplishment!

This hatred is founded upon a desire to blame, and will therefore be conveyed towards the law-abiding citizenry and the law of the land that made possible the criminal act of some malefactor or miscreant using a firearm resulting in the death or maiming of a loved one. Such malice will be unleashed upon all. For it will be the law-abiding who will be targeted, and not just coincidentally victimized in the legislative frenzy of compassion and good intentions. Punishment of the law-abiding will be a continuing, living, and ongoing monument to the errors of the foolish law-abiding citizenry. A living hell of continual punishment by the minority of the majority, a monument to socialism will be the result.

For gun control doesn’t need socialism, but socialism needs gun control! When a total ban on citizen ownership of all firearms finally succeeds, any law-abiding citizen who raises his hand or fist to protect themselves against attack by a criminal will be vigorously prosecuted via zero tolerance and thrown into prison. And even if the criminal has the related charges against him dropped, the innocent potential victim will continue to languish in prison as the criminal is freed to rape, rob and murder. Unbelievable? Absolutely! But that’s what’s happening in gun-free England today!

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