Where to buy break free CLP?

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Oct 5, 2008
Just curious where I can buy CLP? Sporting goods store, gun store, or am I going to have to order it online? I haven't been able to find it, but maybe i'm looking in the wrong places.
Awesome. Thanks!

Heading to wal mart tonight. Gives me an excuse to buy more ammo and maybe a new knife lol.
keep in mind there's the aerosol cans (what i always see at walmart, etc) and then there's the pump spray or squeeze-type mini bottles of the stuff -- although both are advertised as being the same thing, i don't like the aerosol type as much as the other. it smells rather different, and the stuff in the squeeze bottle or the pump sprayer is a bit thicker than what you'll get in the can. it's the same stuff, more or less, but if i got to choose then the can would be last. i can find the stuff in the aerosol can just about everywhere, but the bottle type is less common (check your gun shop) so i usually just order some now and then when it comes time for my next order at midway.
Stole? Stole?

We don't "steal" things, we "requisition them through alternate supply channels." :evil:

Seriously, breakfree is everywhere.
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