Where to go to market an idea

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brass shower

Mar 7, 2003
I've got an idea for a gun accessory that has the potential to turn a couple rifles that are not particularly popular at present into something people will actually want. Trouble is I have no idea where to go to patent, design, manufacture, market, and distribute it. Can anyone offer advice on where to get started?
If those items are a Scope, trigger, stock or recoil pad somebody beat you to it. :D
Look in the phonebook under patent attorneys and get ready to shell out $7,500 - $10,000 just to get a patent. Go to www.firstgov.gov then look for thr Patent and Trademark Office site look for the FAQ (frequently asked queations). Your patent attorney will start by doing a search for similar products. Remember: PATENT DOES NOT EQUAL PROFIT. Good luck.
the best idea would be to convince Finestein that it's evil and should be banned. Then, they'll go for outrageous prices to people who would never have considered buying one before the proposed ban :p
A patent does not necessarily mean that someone else cannot reverse engineer your idea and make slight changes. You also need to patent all the possible ideas around your idea to really protect it.

I think you're better off figuring out the manufacturing and spending the patent money on advertising.

As mentioned above, patent does not equal profit. Selling a lot of items for more than your cost of manufacturing, marketing, sales, delivery, payroll, overhead and taxes equals profit. Fortunately, the Internet can be an excellent, inexpensive connection to potential customers.
I'm not so sure that even $10,000 would be enough for a patent these days. That's about what it cost for my first one back in late 1980s.

Short version of long story here is that only 1 of 4 shook out to have much value to others. And even with it, thousands spent to try and keep white-collar thieves in check, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

If ya got the bucks to patent it, ya better have the bucks to defend it. If your invention has got a lot of market potential - write this down friends - someone, probably several someones *will* copy it. :(
Man - this goes back to basic humanity... all the animal lovers should note this. Man will attack itself - why does it suprise you they will slay animals for fur/meat etc...


Point being that BASIC morals would go - someone already had this idea... guess i'll think of something else... instead - its ... someone already had this idea - how can i change it in a small way so that it doesn't EQUAL his patent... so that i can market it better than that dumba** and make a jackload of money.

Common sense... ... .... ... ... isn't.

shame - cause if i were a judge... my "common sense" would = a LOT of bloody "no you DON'T have a case dumba** - if you spilled hot coffee on yourself then ... well.. YOU spilled hot coffee on yourself! Guess you had better make yourself a payment plan for paying yourself...."


If it is a really good idea you might want to look at filing the patent then giving an exclusive license to a manufacturer who will genuinely promote the product with the caviat that you get an up-front payment and a royalty for each unit sold.

I'm not sure that will generate a fortune for you but then again you never have to actually produce the item yourself to make some $ off of it.

You can go to the patent website for a look see.

If you think it is worth a try, go find a patent attorney (not an attorney that does patents) and talk about a patent search. The patent attorney will conduct a professional search and issue you a legal opinion as to the patentability of your idea. The search will tell you what and who is already playing in your swimming pool. Then if you want to go ahead be prepared to spend money and lots of it. Filing and maintenance fees are chump change compared to the legal fees. A patent search is not cheap, but it is a whole lot cheaper than writing and filing for a patent only to have the office reject it.

<Major Point to be Made> A patent protects nothing. A patent is a ticket to the court room. A patent permits you to defend your idea. It does nothing to keep others out of your swimming pool. Patents must be defended or they will be abandoned. Owning a patent is like having a kid; there are always expenses.

Good luck.
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