Which is the right gun for me?

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Apr 23, 2003
NW Arkansas
I've recently decided to sell the only handgun I own. (S&W M28) Why you ask? It serves as a home defence weapon, but nothing more. It rests in it's spot at my home ready to defend my family, but that's all it does. I could make a lot more use of a different gun that would be taken to the range and shown a lot more attention. What I'm trying to say is... the S&W collects dust.

Now, since the introduction is out of the way we can get on with business. Just a rough estimate would put me at around $350-500 for the M28 when I sell it. I know that's a broad range, but that's all I have to work with right now. I posted here because all I own besides this lone handgun is long-guns. I'm a noob handgunner. What autoloader could I get within that range to replace it? I prefer the compact frame. I would also like to find something in 9mm to help with the cost of ammo on range trips. Let the suggestions roll in...
You'll get as many suggestions as there are guns. In your price range, Glock, CZ, used or CPO Sig, S&W M&P, etc. Try to look at and shoot as many as possible and see what you like.
The one that fits your needs and hand. Rent, test, think, rent some others, rent the earlier choices again, think some more, buy.
This is a question asked ALOT here & there are just as many good answers to this questions as there are bad...As suggested, go rent several and shoot ALOT of rounds through each & shoot even more through the ones you like and then buy the one that fits & works best in your hands. ;)
If you can afford it, why not keep the Smith and get another gun for concealed carry, etc.? The 28 is a brutish, all business classic.
I'd love to keep it, but that's just it. I can't afford another one without selling this one. I've been looking around the net and someone at work is supposed to bring one in to let me see it... Bersa Thunder 9. Any input on this? Does it go bang everytime?
This is probably not what you want to hear, but here it goes anyway.... Has the 28 ever failed to go bang? I have a 28 that has been used, carried, neglected (most of the finish which wasnt brilliant from the factory on 28's is gone).... but every time I pull the trigger, bang. As far as a Bersa, just as most auto's, I have seen some with reliability issues... Not all, but some. IMO, the S&W is as good as it gets when it comes to reliability.
I don't know anything about the Bersa specifically, but the rule of thumb I follow is to only buy handguns that are used by the police or military. That way you are sure to get a gun that is reliable.

Of all the 9mm pistols I have owned, I like the Glock 19 best.
It's not a true "compact" (thought it's not huge, either), but in your price range, a Ruger P95 might fill the bill. They are mega reliable and can be had new for less than $350.
I would never sell a Model 28 to buy a Bersa, EVER!!

I'll buy your M28, just send me a few pictures first please. archangelcd(at)yahoo.com
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