Which of these two would you choose for snake defense?

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Well, yeah, here's your ultimate snake defense gun of course:


But until then.... I understand that 99.9% of the time snakes are not a problem - they will go the other way. But cottonmouths are the rare exception that sometimes will be very aggressive/territorial, and when you're up past your knees in water, you're at a great disadvantage in escaping vs. an animal who swims very fast on top of the water. There's quite a few cottonmouths where I have bowfished before. I'm gonna run with the .45 with handload shot until I get the taurus .410/.45 colt.
I tend to agree with Jeff Cooper: If a snake is close enough to be a danger, just about anyone should be able to hit it with a .22 bullet (skip the shot loads).

Of course, the Colonel also noted a long stick will work just fine!

I am in total agreement with posters who prefer to "live & let live" with respect to snakes. Unless it is venomous and in my yard, I won't bother it if it doesn't bother me. :D
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