Who did the 18-25 year old males vote for?

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Jun 11, 2003
I am just wondering if those nasty 'bring back the draft' rumors affected the way 18-25 year old males voted.

I heard that most single young women below 25 voted for Kerry. Something like 74% went democratic.
W for me.

My roommate left at like 6:30pm to vote for Kerry in his parents' county an hour away, then left on travel the next morning so I'm not sure if he managed to vote or not. (he and I hold good-natured arguments back and forth about twice a week)

Bring back the draft?

It was a Democrat (Rangel?) that brought up the idea of restoring the draft.

In fact, it was a Democrat (LBJ) whose name appeared on my draft notice.

Democrats. Bah. :)

The draft doesn't and didn't scare me. I would gladly serve my country if called. That being said, I definetly cast my vote for Bush.

(I also talked my brother in law, my sister, and my father into voting for him as well.):D
I voted bush (and I'm glad I voted in VA as opposed to WV).

There are lots of bush supporters here, but the kerry supporters were VERY vocal, so much so that some would almost pick a fight with someone who said they would vote for bush. The worst were some misguided iraq vets who backed the kerry creature in a big way, and did their best to confront (what seemed like) everyone.
My Son is only 17, he told me Tuesday if he could vote his would go to Bush.
Michigan reported in the 18-29 age group; 51% for Kerry, 48% for Bush, but did not break it down by gender in the article I read
18-25 male here. I voted for Bush. Of course I'm already signed up to join the Army in June, so the draft wouldn't affect me too much. At least now I'll have a Commander-in-Chief I can respect...
22 years old and I voted for Bush. Any prez that will let the AWB die is cool with me. The draft nonsense reeks of donkey odor. :rolleyes:
21 and I voted for Bush. So did my girlfriend if it makes any difference. I don't think I know anyone else in my age group who did though.
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