Who do you expect as Kerry's VP?

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I agree that it will probably be Edwards. I think he was positioning himself as a veep pick in case he didn't get the nomination. He carefully avoided criticizing the other candidates.

But, Hillary would be the most interesting pick.
Probably Edwards as he will lose his senate seat next election. It might be some total unknown. With this bunch a score card wouldn't help much.
How much money can Edwards bring with him?
With this campaign already out of the gate, and the Dems frett'n over GWs war chest, I'm thinking it's going to be someone who can bring some coin to the table. and present a more moderate view than J F'n K without upstaging him. I think the VP will be a late entry wildcard.
If they don't pick McCain, then they absolutely have to pick someone from the south.

Kerry was actually a very poor choice for the Democrats. People in the south have a hard time voting for a Yankee, especially one from MA with such a liberal voting record. If they had picked Edwards instead, there is a chance at least some of the south may have voted Democrat. No one can win without the south, and I think they have picked a candidate that won't carry a single southern state.

Bob Graham might help in Florida, but will not help them anywhere else in the south.

The last time a liberal yankee won the White House was JFK. All Democratic Presidents since then have been southerners.
I agree. Except that Edwards didn't really do that well in the South. How many states did he carry?

Are there any Southern governors that are Dems?
No way. You gotta think like someone who wants to win at all costs, and keep the red/blue map in mind.

Sharpton is way too divisive.
Either Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. Either would qualify under the current Democrat litmus test of "I hate GWB sooooo much..."
I don't think Hitlary will be on the ticket. Maybe her own, but not with J F'n sKerry. JFK has a bad track record for living (Sr. and Jr.) and Shrillary would move into the Oval Orifice. After, of course, wagging her finger and saying "I did not have murderous relations with that man.....John F. Kerry" :neener: fosterized
I don't buy the "Hillary as VP" thing.

I think she's nearly as divisive as Sharpton. She ran in NY because she could get the voted there. She knew she couldn't get them in Arkansas, her home state.

Outside of the most liberal bastions, I don't think her support is very deep. She could be a real liability for the Dems in the "swing states" that they have to win in order to win the Presidency.

For example, could Hilary deliver FL to the Dems? I don't think so.
Idealogically, Karl Marx would be a good choice.
That would move the average for the ticket a little closer to the center.:neener:
It will most definitely be Hillary. The only way for her to get into a high office is for her to ride the coat-tales of someone else... She'll become his running mate and they'll win. Watch and see.

Hillary won't do it. She has to have been the most investigated First Lady ever, and she'd be opening up all those closets full of skeletons she'd like to keep hidden from everyone. Personally, I think she'll be in trouble to keep her current seat in '06 if Rudy decides to run against her.

Edwards was weak everywhere. He was decent enough not to sling mud, but no help overall. Graham was smart enough to get out early...he'd only help in FL, and then Kerry'd be left with a VP who's kinda weird. Dean, of course, is radioactive. Nobody in their right mind would get near him.

My guess is that Kerry will go with Byah (sp?) or some other midwestern no-name/no-threat VP.
I said it before..

Kerry will pick a Veep who makes up for his deficiencies, and who can bring in "vital demographics", without showing him up.

Hellary might sweep him into office, but jfk knows that winning the battle is no good if you lose the war-and there is no way he could ever trust Hellary.

Kerry is positioning himself as "the candidate of the people", which is insane, because his background and lifestyle is as rich, snooty, and WASPish as Dubya's. So Kerry needs a Veep "of the people". Dean won't do it-he'll bide his time. Edwards is solid, but he won't inspire. Sharpton? What the L are you smoking? Clark is a solid choice, too, but he doesn't inspire.

No-of all the Dems who put themselves out there, there is only one inspired choice:

Carole Mosley Braun.

Yeah, her campaign never went anywhere, and I doubt she expected it to. But I think she was angling for Veep or a Cabinet position. And if you're a liberal, you cannot help but believe that it is time to have a Black and/or Female VP. She brings in a lot of demographics.

The question is, will Kerry announce her too late? I'm sure he'll announce at the Convention, but I predict that before that, the White House will pre-empt Kerry, by announcing the stepdown of Cheney as VP, and the stepup of C. Rice!

And some people think politics is boring...:D :D :D
The question is, will Kerry announce her too late? I'm sure he'll announce at the Convention, but I predict that before that, the White House will pre-empt Kerry, by announcing the stepdown of Cheney as VP, and the stepup of C. Rice!
I wish!

And the beautiful thing about that is... we get a good shot at 2008 as well! Any way you cut it, Condi is an inspiring choice. Just for the sheer value of sticking it to the race-baiting Democrats, I'd love to see it.
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