Who has contacted their Reps?

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Apr 29, 2011
Not sure if this thread belongs here or GD, but here goes...
Who has contacted their representatives?
Why or why not?
Yes (NC)

Why? Can't afford NOT to!

Sen. Burr should be a lock on our side, as well as new Rep. Meadows. I think it highly likely Sen Hagan is a lost cause, she says she's for the 2A but acts like she thinks it's about Hunting. :roll: HOWEVER, I think her term is up in 2014, so mayyybe.... At any rate, I'm gonna keep on it!
I have contacted all my reps both at the State and Federal levels. I will write them again when anything is up for a floor vote or a vote in any committee they sit on. Both my Senators will vote for any gun restrictions they get a chance to, but I wrote them anyway. My Congressman is solid.
I wrote out emails to everyone I could and I'm going to call as many as I can.

In MO if we can get Claire McCaskill to get off the anti train it would be nice.
I'm likely dreaming here but I'm exerting what influence I have.

Make sure everyone you know contacts there Senators and Reps.
I wrote McCain and Rep. Grijalva. I could not figure out how to contact Jeff Flake. His House site is only for his district and I'm not sure how to contact him as a Senator, as I couldn't find a Senate site for him yet.

I also contacted Boehner and McConnell urging them to encourage Republicans and pro-gun Democrats in their respective chambers to vote against any gun control legislation.
Done here in Iowa, but even Grassley seems to be waivering. On the home front the Gov says he is not looking at any new laws.
Done, Feds, State, and Pres - 3 times each so far in the last week, on slightly different issues all surrounding the anit-gun agenda. It's all we can do: write, write, write. Keep at it and never give up. If they pass a weapons ban, I will write every week to try to get it eliminated. Never stop, never go quiet.
Done in Maine. There is not a lot we can do so we should not pass on the opportunities we do get to make our voices heard.

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