Who needs enemies? One of our own

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Feb 11, 2003
Catfish Co, KY
I may be guilty of posting while angry. Moderators, feel free to bump this. I just got my Single Action Shooting Society member newspaper, the Cowboy Chronicle. Inside, in graphic and documented for posterity is Ken Amorasano (sp). He is AKA as Chiz, the $A$$ Marketing Director. Right obvious is a Coors can of beer in his hand. This doesn't send a positive message.
Please enlighten me. What does the mans choice of beverage have to do with RKBA? I know nothing about SASS or its members, and I like Coors beer too.

The employee lobbying organization has contributed to anti-gun people, supposedly not on the gun part but only on issues that affect a beer company. It could be true, or it could be false. Really can't tell unless you work for Coors and are part of their lobbying organization.

On the other hand Pete Coors (running for Senator, CO) is definately pro-gun. Hopefully the anti-gun donations from his employees was strictly coincidental, might not be though.
My club, with about 200 acres and 2,300 members will not even permit an empty beer can to be used as a plinking target. Like it or not as gun owners we have to be extremely careful about our image.

Don't drink beer while shooting? BRILLIANT!

He SHOULD have been holding a Guinness, because we would never run out of BRILLIANT! Jokes to go with it.

"Don't shoot shotguns from the hip? BRILLIANT!"

"Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot? BRILLIANT!"


"I am the comic relief! Bow down to me, in your peals of laughter!"
The fellow was ON a firing range. The line was hot. I didn't appreciate the implication.

<sigh> Like we need any more black eyes to our image after the picture of the two fools posin' with the grocks...
A Coors in my hand would mean two things: 1) I spent all my money on reloading supplies; 2) My taste buds had somehow died.:D
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