Who will replace the Great Ones?

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Dec 24, 2002
New Hampshire
When the Clint Smith's (Thunder Ranch) and Jeff Cooper (Gunsite, mostly retired) of the shooting world are retired and gone, who will replace them?

Who are the up and coming firearms trainers? Are they students or instructors who trained/worked at TR and Gunsite? Or are they over in Iraq-istan training others now while waiting for their chance to open a shooting school?

I ask because I have been looking for a good, first-time rifle course. Obviously, TR and Gunsite were first on my list to attend, but they are filled for the year or are not compatable with my schedule. Now, I'd like to find someone who is the heir apparent to Smith and Cooper; one who may not be in such demand that I can get a class slot this year.

So, who have you got in mind?
Pat Rogers, Randy Cain, Paul Howe, Jeff Gonzales, Louis Awerbuck, Bill Jeans, James Yeager, Greg Sullivan.....That's a start.

I expect there will be an entire generation of new trainers who are right now learning hard lessons in the Iraqi/Afghani crucibles.
I'm sorry. For a moment I thought you were referring to the Great Old Ones from the tales of H.P. Lovecraft. As far as I know, Cthulhu is doing just fine sleeping under the ocean.
Rehn, the Insights crowd, Moses, Standford, Givens, Blinder.

What round do you use for Cthulhu? I know that he has been slowed down by H-bombs and his relatives were scared of those electric guns that some other race visiting Earth used on them.
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