Whoa - pro-gun nerd community?

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cloudedice said:
I've always thought of a nerd or geek as anyone who is very interested in the technical "mechanics" of whatever hobby/profession they choose.

To my mind, you defined "geek" but not "nerd". I view "nerd" as a smaller subset of "geek". For example, you can have a gun-geek, a car-geek, a wine-geek, ect. But "nerd" pertains only to academics, such as information technology, physics, or astronomy.

Restorer said:
Do musicians count as nerds?

They're certainly spiritual kin. I was both when I was growing up, and there are a lot of similarities. Linux popularizer Eric Raymond wrote years ago about his obvervation that a lot of the good programmers he knew were musicians; others were painters, sculptors and dancers, IIRC; some individuals were several of these things.

One fictional example of a nerdly math/music geek whom a lot of you might remember is Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse in Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon.

Please put me down for a couple of copies of Battle Rifle Symphony when you cut the CD. (mp3? Blu-Ray? that tiny disc from Men in Black? ;) )
@Thernlund: I completely agree with you. I refrained from making that distinction simply because the original poster was using the word "nerd" as I would use "geek."
I am a Sr. Programmer / Analyst and I refer to myself as a "computer geek." I was a band geek in Jr. High. A motorcycle geek from 9 years old on (build/ride/race). Car geek (build/drive/race). Then I found computers and got REAL geeky when I found they could be hot-rodded too! I was raised around guns and had my own .410 Stevens at a very early age.

Oh yeah... I am dripping with geeky goodness!

Any D.o.D. members from rec.motorcycles here?

Say hello to reeky!

Live to Flame
Flame to Live!

Lord Julian Spagthorp, Away!
Regardless, I welcome the nerd support for the 2nd amendment.

It's not right for nerds to not support the 2nd Amendment.

Like so many said, we are logical thinkers, and I, myself, have not met a fellow nerd yet who doesn't like firearms. Speaking of video games and the government control/tyranny theme, almost every video game enthusiast are very dedicated history students. Everyone I know who is a video gamer LOVES history.
This isn't a debate like Windows vs. Linux or Kirk vs. Picard.
It's not like the pro-gun community has valid points to make and the anti-gun community also has valid points to make - heck, I've been looking for years now and the other side doesn't even have valid facts, let alone valid ideas.

We're talking about a group of people who 1) have a tendency to approach problems logically and, more importantly, 2) are likely to have had the ever living crap beaten out of them by a football star at some point in their past for absolutely no reason and wished there was some way to even the odds.

It's not rocket surgery.
Nothing new here. I'm a software engineer. There are lots of engineers (software and otherwise) in the shooting community. Engineers like gadgets. And engineers are perhaps a bit less swayed by emotional appeals (e.g., gun control) than the average bear.
i am not a nerd. i read fantasy and romance novels. i like poetry and such. my dads not a nerd either. geek, yes, nerd, no, fanboy, definatly. my mom is as liberal as all get out. she's also a social worker.

but my step dad is an honest to goodness nerd. he is a electrical engineer. he does stuff like build gadgets that make trolly cars work, and smelting fernaces operate. stuff that he can't explain to me. and he THINKS like that too. all the time. even when thinking like an engineer will not translate. when me and mom try to talk about stuff like socialogical principles and music and horses, eric often doesn't get it the first couple times through. he keeps seeing equations were equations don't fit.
however, despite the fact that his only connection with firearms has been through me and that he was raised and lived in an entirely liberal family, he gets the gunstuff. in fact he gets the gun stuff better then my mother, who lived with it for years.
and i have always attributed his understanding to his use of logic, which is the product of his engineering background.

so yeah, nerds are more likely to be open to gunnies, if not gunnies themselves, just based on the logic of it.
Almost everyone in the IT dept. where I work is a conservative/libertarian-leaning gun owner. Kinda surprised me, since in my experience techies are generally liberals.
techies are generally liberals

The actual correct terminology for the gun grabbing fiends are either "left wing extremists", or "left wing elitists".

If they were actually liberals, they would be supporting the 2A.

And as this thread explains, most techies are NOT anti-gun. They think logically, and they can immediately see how a sorry failure gun control has been.
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Aside from guns, I'm nerdy about many things. Pencils, computers, software, books, etc. Makes sense.
I saw a meme of an HK 416 with the words "Lol, direct impingement fail".

Not only is the new generation much more RKBA friendly, they're much clearer on the technical specifics.

I've also seen it reckoned that the end of the Cold War saw a shift in techie communities away from a Left/Utopianist bent to a much more Libertarian outlook. That may have something to do with it.
I posted the story there

Hi there!

I posted the Heller story to Slashdot; I was glad to be the editor-in-charge at the time, because the outcome is exciting to me, even if it's hugely disappointing that it was a) a 5-4 decision and b) narrower than I wish it had been.

The various editors (and the other people who work on the site) have wildly different political / aesthetic views, on guns and on other things, but several of us certainly enjoy shooting guns :) There's a misperception that there is some sort of hive-mind favoring / disfavoring Thing X (whatever that Thing X may be), but in reality, the site is put together by people who don't agree on all that many things, and the readers who comment (who in sum contribute far more of the content on the page) aren't exactly of one mind, either ;) Hence, the constant clash of words that is the Slashdot comment system.

Apropos: There may be more, but I know of only one Tux-engraved AR-15 lower, and it's mine ;)



This is a very interesting thread for me. As an exercise in interesting relationships between geek/nerd and logical thinking, do some research on Asperger's Syndrome.

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