Who's at fault here?

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If I were a cop I would have done the same thing. My reasoning:

I am making an arrest, probably somewhat frustrated with the perpetrators BS, and some dick rides by and makes a smart-aleck comment while he is in the process of breaking the law. Something I would have probably ignored or given a verbal warning (out of concern for his safety) had he just rode by and I wasn't busy arresting people.

Then he fails to stop after I tell him too, so I give chase. Now he has made me chase his ass all over town and has thoroughly ruined my donut and coffee time (no pun intended ).

Only then do I find out that he has a firearm in a mesh backpack pocket and is a CHL. A mesh pocket carry method as a CHL? Really?

I would have taken him to jail in a heart beat. If he had actually stopped to begin with, I might have just threatened him with a warning so that he might get the message to make sure he is doing nothing illegal before he decides to play the dick. Instead he decided to break the law, be a dick, risk his safety and others (via a pursuit) as well as my own, then he is further breaking the law by not properly concealing his firearm like a responsible CHL should.
Yeah I might have a power play perspective on it. But these police officers are out there working long hours for low pay and doing their best to keep the sheep safe. It's clearly the bicyclists fault.

Risk others safety?

By running through alleyways?

come on, man.
easy question bike riders fault i expect to see his rant about mistreatment in his regular column on the daily paul
I laughed. In fact, I am still laughing.

Like all freedoms, you are FREE do decide when NOT do use them.

For instance... We have freedom of speech. But I wrote up a 7th grader in my class for exercising it repeatedly during my lesson yesterday. I don't tolerate class disruption, and my rules are my rules. Otherwise, you'll be in angry with me as to why YOUR kid didn't get taught the lesson.

The guy just HAD to be snarky. Good on him. He showed his true colors when he decided to RUN from the police over a freaking headlight. A damned twit, that one is.

-- John
reminds me of the fat dork that broke bad on charles barkley in the bar AFTER charles had a bad game. he was trying to play poor victim and the judge asked him in an incredulous voice. "you knew it was charles barkley he was in a bad mood and you got in his face? are you stupid?" i forget i think charles threw him threw a window charles shoulda been charge with attempted assisted suicide
It is difficult many times trying to control a traffic stop especially if the motor vehicle has numerous occupants.Having an outsider making comments can cause major problems.It boils down to this,if you like to bust balls,it would be wise not busting the balls of folks carrying guns and having powers of arrest.Now wasn't that simple?
we had a hero of the revolution in my small town who pulled up infront of a crack house while it was being raided. 5 or 6 marked cars close to a dozen cops. he demanded "whats going on!" after they asked him was it his house and he said no they told him to move on. he got louder and at one point he laid his hands on a cop. at that point he got a face full of grass and some flexicuffs. they search him and find 30 20 rocks in his pocket. my redneck boss read the story and asked me "good lord what was that boy thinking" i hada explain "ray that stuff doesn't make you smarter.... but it makes you think you are."
I'm lost here. If I have a CCW permit, am I not allowed to openly carry the weapon? I don't get that at all. Is there another "Open Carry Permit" that one needs as well?

As for bashing the police....I make a point at thanking them for the job they do every chance I get.
I am a gun carrying bicycle rider and I say this bicycle rider was wrong all around.
1.) When you pass a police officer making a stop, just go on by. Don't say anything. It is none of your business.
2.) Put a light on your bike at night. It is not only the law, it is just common sense.
3.) If the police chase you, don't run from them, again it is the law and it is common sense.

On the last point about a concealed weapon becoming exposed and therefore illegal, I can sympathize, this law makes no sense. I live in Arizona, an open carry state. If my gun becomes visible, I am still legal.
Freedom of speech

The guy was a jerk that is a fact.

Technically the police had the right to apprehend him because of the lack of a headlight.

However, being a jerk and saying, 'did you read them their rights first' is not against the law. I believe that the freedom of speech that he chose to exercise brought about the arrest.

A good defense lawyer, with a few well chosen questions for the officers, could demonstrate that the arrest began as a result of the use of freedom of speech.

Would the man have been asked to stop and ticketed if had not used his freedom of speech? No, probably not.

Would the man have been asked to stop and ticketed if he had said something complimentary to the officers (If he had gotten their attention)? No, probably not.

The arrest began as a retaliation for his use of words... his freedom of speech. If that is the case (and proven) the rest of the charges would/should be thrown out.
"I've been actively riding a bicycle for years. I had no idea I was breaking dozens of laws on a daily basis."

Selective enforcement...pathetic!!!!!
Would the man have been asked to stop and ticketed if had not used his freedom of speech? No, probably not.

I suspect the police wouldn't have noticed his lack of headlight had he kept his mouth shut. When you pull a "hey look at me!" stunt you shouldn't be surprised if someone does.
"I suspect the police wouldn't have noticed his lack of headlight had he kept his mouth shut. When you pull a "hey look at me!" stunt you shouldn't be surprised if someone does."

Riding a bike w/o a headlight on [ AT 11:45 pm] and the cops only notice this after he spoke... come on....POOR POLICE WORK...this is a clear cut example of retaliation...

Wonder how much time would have been involved to say " We certainly did"....
"The arrest began as a retaliation""
Or just because he drew attention to himself.

When you pull a "hey look at me!" stunt you shouldn't be surprised if someone does.
Exactly so.

You may view it thru the lens of selective enforcement, whereas the cop may simply view it as a case of 'what is within the window of my attention'.

Riding a bike w/o a headlight on and the cops only notice this after he spoke... come on....POOR POLICE WORK
Have you never been heads-down in a task and someone come in proximity to you that you only noticed due to an overt act?
I figure it this way:

As someone with some public school teaching experience, I've seen how a disrespectful outburst from one student will inspire others to follow suit.

It happens with groups of adults, too. I'll be a lot of big riots have been started by one guy throwing a rock through that first window. All you need is the first one. "Sometimes all it takes is one wiseguy."*

If you needlessly inject yourself into a cop's business, you have become the cop's business. It's part of the deal. They should be able to do their job without a schmuck stirring things up from the sidelines. You can never know what will trigger an ugly incident so keep out of it.

To answer the OP's question, it's the bicyclist's fault. No brainer.

* Remember the TV show Get Smart?
This all boils down to making choices. The hero of our story chose to violate the law (albeit mostly minor violations), then he chose to be a smartass to a cop thus drawing attention to some of his poor choices, and finally, he chose to violate the law again (by running from the po-po...not a minor violation) thus highligting one of his other poor choices (openly carrying a gun in TX).

Now I ask, how can anyone be blamed for our hero making those choices.

Yet some of you want to blame the officer(s) who also made choices. The original officer made a choice to stop our hero due to a minor violation of TX traffic law. Granted, this was after our hero chose to draw attention to himself in a manner designed to irritate the officer(s). However, our hero chose this course of action. He wanted attention from Officer Friendly, he was obliged by said officer. When our hero didn't stop, the officer chose to make him stop after asking him to stop. That's pretty common police procedure. Ask for compliance, tell them you will make them comply, make them comply. Hero continues to run, yes, endangering lives (granted the risk may be low in this particular case but it's endangerment nonetheless...not only from the chase but from the officer(s) having to leave the scene of the accident with multiple people involved that is obviously a hazard to other motorists as well...try to look at the bigger picture). Officer chose to pursue. Well within his legal rights and obligations. Our hero then makes probably the only good decision by deciding to stop. That allowed officers to detain him thus discovering other violations subsequent to the detention/arrest (ie: the openly carried gun).

Our hero chose poorly without any outside influence. Our officers were basically forced into the choices they made. Yet somehow, some of you see this as bad actions by the police and abuse of their powers. Personally, I see that as twisted logic...most likely by somebody who's got a hard-on for cops in general.

This douchebag got exactly what he wanted and deserved...attention.
I am not necessarily blaming the officers. I may have done the same thing in their situation. Everyone has feelings that can be hurt and get irritated. They do a difficult job for low pay and deserve respect.

I am also not saying that the bicyclist didn't get what he deserved. If you act like a jerk, bad things will probably happen to you.

However, I do believe the officers chose to exercise their law enforcement powers in retaliation for his comments.
Riding a bike w/o a headlight on and the cops only notice this after he spoke... come on....POOR POLICE WORK

Have you never been heads-down in a task and someone come in proximity to you that you only noticed due to an overt act?


Why did the bonehead on the bike feel the need to open his mouth in the first place? A. bonehead
Q. Why did the bonehead run, an run from the law? A. bonehead
We don't need boneheads carring guns an acting stupid, we have too
many like that already, hope the
bonehead looses his right to carry a
gun. All he had to do was stop, or
better yet, kept his mouth shut.
After all is said and done:

"Why did the bonehead on the bike feel the need to open his mouth in the first place?"

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