Who's practicing with their bows yet?

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Nov 14, 2007
I shot a few shots - hit OK. Muscles/strength needs some conditioning. Bow needs some new/better string silencers. This is probably the last season before restringing. We all getting ready? :)
Heck yes!!! I've only got three weeks before I leave for Wyoming. Though - I do like to shoot year round. I might be upgrading my bow in the next year or two - shooting on my old PSE Maurader that's 14 years old.....but it works like a champ.
I try to practice all year but starting to get a little more serious than the last few months. Sept 27 is getting close WOO HOO.
I need to, town I live in has an ordinance against shooting arrows, even with a proper backstop. So I'll have to make time to go to the local sports store and spend sometime in their indoor range. I wish I could just shoot in my backyard.
I've just ramped it up this past weekend. I was drilling the vitals of the lifesize buck target at 35 yds.

I've got to get my close range settings on my sight dialed in though. I was shooting high at 7-10 yds.
The Father-in-Law, and I sighted ,his crossbow, and my,longbow in a couple of weeks ago.
I put a new sight, and Whisker Bisquit on my Onieda Eagle a couple of years ago, and then had to have surgery on my draw arm. This is the first time since I have been able to draw and release enough times to get all the pins sighted in.
Season, here in Ohio starts Sept 27th.
This will be my first year deer hunting with a bow.
Shooting some arrows here. Archery season opens 01-Oct in Illinois, land of scrawny little whitetails with no horns especially in these counties between the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. non-resident hunters can expect better luck in Iowa or Missouri. my dogs are bigger don't waste your time, just trying to be helpful- good luck to you all.
I've been practicing for the last two weeks, and have just attatched my climber to the pole in my yard, to innure myself to the hight factor. I drew a permit for the third week of September for a hunt in Dupuis WMA in PB County.
I've been practicing 5 days a week with a few exceptions (maybe didn't shoot 30 days out of the last 3+ months). Third whisker biscuit, 2nd round of fletches..... I think I'm ready :)

I've got 4 stands set up at the farm (40 acres), and about 3,000 acres of public land down the road from the farm. Season opens Sept. 15, which is a Monday, which might warrant skipping school, but that might get me suspended, and bow season is 4 months long. On the other hand, being suspended would give me more time to hunt :evil:

If you know anything about St. Louis' affinity with high schools, you would see....

You're on the money with the muscles / strength statement!
What we used to take for granted,dang it, we have to work for it.Did shoot for the first time in several months Sat.Might get out yet this evening to do it again? Man I need to.
Ohh.. I'm Ready!!

For the last 10 Months . I 've practiced everyday for at least 1 hour. :evil:( Its easy since my wife is my coach!! I can get away with not having the basement done)

Season opens on the 8th here in MN. I have got two weeks off of work starting the 6th. Where we hunt as a family is about 10 minute walk from the cabin so... Got some promissing spots picked and located a bunch of bedding areas that I had no idea that they were there... Anyway It should be fun I'm looking forward to it.
Archery season opens 01-Oct in Illinois, land of scrawny little whitetails with no horns especially in these counties between the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. non-resident hunters can expect better luck in Iowa or Missouri. my dogs are bigger don't waste your time, just trying to be helpful- good luck to you all.

Uh-huh. Like these scrawny Ill. bucks:









Note to self: Book a trip to Ill. :)
Who ever stops practicing? OK, OK wish I could say that....man, when did a 70lb pull grow into such a monster????? Don't tell anyone if I sneak that back to 60 or so this year, OK?
i tell ya i'm ready for bow season. been shooting for about a month now.

You know there is a lot of impressive bucks up there in the post but the most impressive is that picture from CZ75BD (i'm sorry if she's your sister, wife, daughter or what ever)... but like eddie salter would say, she can ride home in my truck anyday.
Never Stopped. Wish I was back in Ga. but, instead I'm stuck here in Nodak with only 2 days 13 hrs and 5 min till the hammer drops. I think I'm starting to shake.

BTW, CZ-- I'm just starting to pick my jaw off the floor. Ohh Lord!! If she's your daughter I'm sorry.
Oct 1 Opener on Oklahoma. Tillering a new Oryx horn traditional now to enter the County Fair. Been shooting while tillering and will have time to tune it in after the fair. So far it pulls 68 Lb at 28 inches, and should be waterproof when finished.
I've been practicing since I bought my first bow back in February. My groups have gotten pretty tight at 40 yards using field points. However, I just started shooting with broadheads this last weekend (G5 Montecs, 125 gr) and I'm now shooting low and left by about 6 inches both directions and the groups are huge. Since we have such a large gathering of archers, any ideas what might be causing this? The arrows do not seem to be fish-tailing, should I try paper tuning again? I use a Hoyt Avenger with Beman hunter elite arrows, 65 lb pull. Any help would be great, elk season opens here in WA in about 2 weeks or so!
Sounds like you need some different arrows with a different spine. When you put heavier points on it can really start to show. I don't know enough about it to say whether they are to stiff or too flexible, but that is my best guess.
What size feild points were you using before? I practice with 100 gr field points and shoot 100 gr G5 monotecs and the difference in my groups is less than 1" at any yardage. It is possible that there is more blade surface area on the 125 and you have some rutter. But I think it is wieght not surface area causing your problems.
Same here - it's important to use the same size broadheads and fieldpoints. I love the G5 Montecs too - very compact - they shoot almost the same as my field tips.

there is some trial and error you will have to go through and it's frustrating when you've been practicing all summer and find out now that the broadhead you have aren't matching with your arrows.

It could be mis matched size, length of the blades, the type of fletching you use.

back when I used CX Edge arros - I couldn't use my stabilizer with the broadheads because I couldn't get the same tight groups I was getting while using it with my field tips.
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