Why are ammo prices still high?

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Prices are down, but not as much as they were raised relative to oil prices. Now that oil has come down 40% then so to should the increases come down that were due to oil going as high as it did. My bet is though that they wil never fall as much as they should in line with dropping oil prices.
I agree with election anxiety. Should it go the other way (treading carefully), I would imagine a drop with the fear of an imminent backdoor ban eliminated.
Just got the Cheaper than Dirt catalog today. All ammo prices have been lowered. Example Federal XM193 from 10.99/20 to 7.99/20, Lithuanian 7.62 from 125.97/200 to 109.97/200. Hope the trend continues.
copper just hit 2.10 a pound from just at 4.00 a few months ago. some manufactures bought raw materials a few months ago at the high prices and are just now having that ammo hit the store shelves at those prices, so it will take a few months to work through it.
Fortunately for us, Arnold, complete collusion of the ammo retailers doesn't exist. Also your coca bean shortage example is a false one. The fact you are paying the same amount of money for a candy bar as you did 20 years shows that coca bean prices have not risen with inflation, otherwise a $1 candy bar then would cost nearly $2 now.
My guess is that people are still willing to buy it at the current prices, so there's no reason for the manufacturers to lower them.

Makes sense to me.[

I don't think this is correct. Manufacturers will lower it because their competitors will lower it. Competition is what keeps the prices low for us, and they should drop significantly now that the price of all of their raw materials is going down.
Mr. T (Newer Guy)

I think that the fear of Obama getting elected has many of us RKBA's going out and buying up ammunition on a regular basis. When I go to the main stores in my area .223 ammo is almost non-existent on the shelves. You can still find the 45 and 50 grain stuff, but anything 55 grain and up is hard to come by. Standard caliber rounds like 30.06, .308, and .270 are easier to find, but the prices are still relatively high.
When Obama started running (2) years ago, I started buying with what little savings I could scrape together. I have a nice stock pile going, but nothing to write home about. I have added (3) new weapons to my inventory since then and I am considering adding one more .22lr to the inventory. The bans are coming ladies and gentlemen and we all need to be ready for them. They can have mine when they pry them from my cold, dead, fingers! I will not be giving up any of my weapons peacefully! I pray to God that it does not come to that. However, I think we all know whatwe are up against here. Under the Clinton administration do you remember Ruby Ridge and WACO?! Obama is nothing more than a puppet for George Soros and his UN cronies and their agenda is to disarm America. Once the populus is powerless, the new socialist world order can do what they like. The only thing keeping them from running the table with their agenda now is the RKBA groups here in this country. We are the last real bastion of freedom left in the world and they mean to crush us once and for all. All I can say is VOTE and vote for pro-gun advocates because there is much more at stake here than the economy...our nation's security depends on voting anti-gunners out of office!

Mr. T
I think this market trend whim will lead to at least a 15% decrease in most ammunition prices come December if metal prices do not rebound to what they were a month ago. We'll see in 6 weeks what happens.
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