Why are the Right Wingers barking about Miers?

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Jan 8, 2003
She is on record as being anti-abortion. Since O'Connor was the swing vote in all the 5-4 decisions protecting abortion legality, they will now be able to destroy Roe-v-Wade on piece at a time. I thought that's what the right wanted to do.

I am surprised she is getting so much flak from the right wing.

What is their problem with her?


Miers Pushed ABA on Abortion
Monday, October 03, 2005

WASHINGTON — President Bush's choice to fill the seat of retiring Supreme Court Justice and moderate abortion rights supporter Sandra Day O'Connor (search) was a leader in an unsuccessful fight to get the nation's largest lawyers' group to reconsider its pro-abortion rights stance.

As president of the Texas State Bar in 1993, Harriet Miers (search) urged the national American Bar Association (search) to put the abortion issue to a referendum of the group's full membership. She questioned at the time whether the ABA should "be trying to speak for the entire legal community" on an issue that she said "has brought on tremendous divisiveness" within the ABA.

Miers was among a group of lawyers from the Texas bar and elsewhere who had argued that the ABA should have a neutral stance on abortion.

The ABA's policy-making body overwhelmingly rejected the Texas lawyers' group's 1993 proposal to put the issue to a referendum by mail of the ABA's then-roster of about 360,000 members.

"Our current position [in favor of abortion rights] has no meaning unless it is endorsed in fact by the membership," Miers said at the time.

The ABA's position, adopted in 1992, endorses the basic outlines of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade ruling that women may choose to have an abortion without state interference prior to the point at which a fetus could live outside the womb, and after that point if the woman's life or health were threatened by the pregnancy.

Dobson: "This for all the marbles. . . It is a scary moment for many of us." Also: "'Conservatives feel betrayed,' Richard Viguerie, a pioneer of conservative direct mail, said in a statement. "President Bush blinked.'

"Curt Smith, head of the Indiana Family Institute and a leader of an organization formed to support Mr. Bush's judicial nominees, said: 'We are looking for reasons to support her, but we have not found them yet.'

"For many . . . Bush's decision to bypass nominees with clear, conservative records was inexplicable and fell short of the sort of bold, confrontational choice they had expected." LINK

"the White House may have calculated that Bush can more easily afford some early heat from the right than a titanic struggle with Democrats that could tie up the Senate and leave him in an even weaker position three months from now."
She is on record as being anti-abortion.
She simply opposed a professional organization from adopting a stance (any stance) on a controversial social issue. Very reasonable IMO. This says nothing about her feelings one way or another.
:rolleyes: Maybe, just maybe, the "right wingers" care about more than just abortion. Maybe they're capable of rational, multidimensional thought that's more complex than "Abortion BAAAAD".

"Right wingers" were hoping for a hardcore strict contructionist. Anyone less than JR Brown would be a let down for most of us. Miers may actually be a strict constructionist, but she doesn't have a record to prove it.

Most of us are also waiting for a Republican leader to finally drive home the fact that the Democrats have been losing elections for years. Instead, they seem to be too afraid of making a scene. We voted Republican for a reason, and we want them to act like it.
She simply opposed a professional organization from adopting a stance (any stance) on a controversial social issue. Very reasonable IMO. This says nothing about her feelings one way or another.
OK, I tend to think actions speak louder than words. The ABA basically adopted a public stance which was to align it's position with a law which was in effect at the time (Roe V Wade), and she tried to get that stance reversed. I think that says something more than just not liking the ABA to take public positions on issues.

One thing for sure: we will not hear a word from her on this or any other issue at her confirmation hearings.
Most of us are also waiting for a Republican leader to finally drive home the fact that the Democrats have been losing elections for years. Instead, they seem to be too afraid of making a scene.
Good point. With Bush's approval hovering around 40% and given that he can not run for re-election, I can't understand what he is afraid of? The repubs have the confirmation votes to put Godzilla on the court if they choose to, so I wonder why he didn't go for somebody to REALLY piss off the Democrats.... it's not like they could do anything to stop him, and he doesn't have anything to lose at this point.
Most of us are also waiting for a Republican leader to finally drive home the fact that the Democrats have been losing elections for years. Instead, they seem to be too afraid of making a scene. We voted Republican for a reason, and we want them to act like it.


Every time I see Fat Teddy or Shrillary or Shumer or facelift Pelosi pontificating, I want to scream at the TV "YOU LOST NOW SHUT *** **** UP!"

The repubs are still afraid of the folks who buy ink by the barrel. Too bad.
They are barking because they want a fight........they dont want to hide conservatism.....Bush failed because he is hiding from the fight. ...its a fight the dems cant win either. If you really believe in being conservative (not a neocon) then the american people deserve a fight on ideas. This pick is too important to hide and slide a moderate in. Their are many many bold great conservatives that have fought the good fight all their lives.......But they dont get picked...because Bush and the Senate GOP are week. period.

What a sad signal to send future and present conservatives all over this nation.
This party is broken
Its dumb luck that the Dems are completly wack out right now
If George Bush is a man of his word, ...strict constructionist justices, who interpret the Constitution, don't make law from the bench out of whole cloth, in the mold of Sclalia and Thomas..., and he has known this woman for 25 years, then why engage in a fistfight with the Socialist and Statists and we still get what we want; a SCOTUS that is not usurping power that they are not meant to have.

I don't want a right wing or a left wing SCOTUS. I just want one that looks at "original intent" and follows it. If society wants to change the Constitution or add to it, or delete something, then follow the procedure laid out in the document! SCOTUS should perhaps remind the Congress and the President about their sworn duty and charge them with following their oath.
You know what the sad thing is . . . that abortion is even an issue on the national level. What a farce. In the past few years, the court has limited free speach and property rights, and all people can take about is Roe vs. Wade.

Sad state of affairs, when we are less concerned about the constitution of the United States and more concerned about an issue that will effect very few.

I guess its just slight of hand. Keep em occupied with the non issues and will take away everything else while the people are arguing about abortion and gay marriage.
With Bush's approval hovering around 40% and given that he can not run for re-election, I can't understand what he is afraid of?

I'm convinced she's got something on Good Boy George - a chip she traded in for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. There is no other explanation, no matter how he and his spinners spin this one - she is NOT the best person he could find for this position. To believe that is beyond absurd.
The ABA basically adopted a public stance which was to align it's position with a law which was in effect at the time (Roe V Wade), and she tried to get that stance reversed.
Why would they feel the need to align themselves with any ruling if it in fact has already been established? The answer is, there is no reason, other than to make a social commentary. Their stance on abortion, and every other social issue, should be one of neutrality.
[RANT]Personally, I believe the right winger in me is pi$$ed off because Bush is being so wishy-washy.

If you watch his poll numbers, the drop coincides with his loss of backbone. He one re-election with a majority in Congress and hasn't done anything worthwhile since. As a matter of fact, the way the Repubs are acting, you would think the Dems are in charge...what a bunch of Morons

So much for all that Political Capital he had to spend...

What a waste of a perfectly good opportunity to pack the court with two true conservative judges who would help turn this country around....intead we get Roberts and Miers.

IF Bush had any guts at all he would have made Thomas Chief and put two others (around 50 years old-so they'd be there a while) just like Scalia on the bench.

THAT"S why we right wingers are up in arms.

This will kill the Repubs for twenty years easy...[/Rant off]
With Bush's approval hovering around 40% and given that he can not run for re-election, I can't understand what he is afraid of?

I think Bush is very tired of being President. He doesn't want a fight. I think he just wants to ride the rest of his term out without any big confrontations.

I doubt he will take a single controversial position at this point... I do not expect him to do a single thing with respect to the war on terror. I do not think he will launch any significant new plans in Iraq either. In fact, I bet Iraq in 2008 will look exactly like it does now.
bountyhunter said:
She is on record as being anti-abortion.

She is? Where? Certainly the article you cited doesn't show that; indeed, it shows that she wants the American Bar Association to be neutral on abortion. I agree!

That doesn't mean she is for or against abortion; it just means she wants neutrality in ABA decision making... a novel concept!

Again... you have proof or are you just whistling?
Sad state of affairs, when we are less concerned about the constitution of the United States and more concerned about an issue that will effect very few.
If we are not concerned about the Constitutionality of the small things, we will be disinterested in the big ones too. Or perhaps you have the SCOTUS never rule on NFA since it only affects a very small percentage of the population?
Maybe, just maybe, the "right wingers" care about more than just abortion. Maybe they're capable of rational, multidimensional thought that's more complex than "Abortion BAAAAD".
Oh shut up. You know us right wingers only care about abortion. :D
How dare you suggest that I might be capable of multidimensional thought?! :D
If we are not concerned about the Constitutionality of the small things, we will be disinterested in the big ones too. Or perhaps you have the SCOTUS never rule on NFA since it only affects a very small percentage of the population?

Not what I was getting at, but I see how you got to that from my statement. I'm more concerned about private property rights, free speach (McCain Feingold), . . . then a woman's reproductive rights. Don't care, Not one bit. One individuals decision, that doesn't effect my life, liberty, or property. If you want to have an abortion great. Murder is murder, and hell is hot, but its your choice if you want to make it.

Gay marrige, another individual decision that will not effect my life, liberty, or property. Doesn't even trample my constitutional rights. I don't care, not one bit.

McCain Feingold, emminent domain, NFA, these are the things we need to be discussing. The abuses of the rights guaranteed by the constitution.
There are a lot of lowbrow, tunnelvision wackos on the far right. It's just as simple as that.
The problem is there are some liberal Republicans in the Senate who may not support a proven conservative nominee. That is why the Senate has had so much trouble the last couple of years. There is not much Bush can do to combat that other than find nominees who have little record the opposition can bash.

This lady may end up being a great SC Justice, but we don't know. As Rush said today, the only argument in favor is "Trust Bush". People are not willing to do that blindly. As Ann Coulter mentioned when talking about Roberts last month, stealth nominees with little or no record have had a recent tendancy of leaning more liberal once seated in the court. That is what Conservatives are afraid of. We'll see if her basic views are brought out more in the hearings.

On abortion, I believe that issue used to be a state issue, but Roe vs. Wade turned it into a national issue. It is not that big of an issue to me, but having 50 different state legislatures debate it seems better and more equitable to me than having one group of judges decide what everyone will do.
GW has always declared that he was a uniter, not a divider. Thats why we get milk toast in the SC.
People are mad because she isnt qualified and shes just another Bush cronie who will take orders. not the best choice IMO.
There are a lot of lowbrow, tunnelvision wackos on the far right. It's just as simple as that.
As opposed to all the other lowbrow, tunnelvision wackos on the left. :) Michael Savage does not represent the right. :)

You gotta be careful, sometimes people you think are stupid actually have a longer term view of things than you do. Not always, but it's good to stay open minded.
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