Why do they think, running away is not an option?

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
Was having a conversation with my co-worker..

Because I'm known as the "gun nut", they (my secretary and my co-worker) asked me a bunch of gun questions; ranging from "can you really do all that John Woo stuff" to "you mean to tell me you probably can't hit a moving car that's speeding away at 90mph a hundred yards away shooting at it while running and holding the gun sideways?"


<rant on>
Why do they (the anti's) all think that if you have a gun, and the SHTF, that running away is no longer an option??? :cuss: :cuss: :banghead:

To me, gettin' the heck out of Dodge is ALWAYS the first option, why start a gun fight when you don't have to.. This seems like a foreign concept to the anti's... They think we are a bunch of cowboys trying to show how macho we are? Look, if I have nothing and you have a .22LR, you win. Rule #1 of a gun fight might be to have a gun; but I can tell you Rule #1 of keeping your innards intact is not to get into a gun fight!

I always tell people, run run run run far far far away!! (Preferably in a zig-zag).

Is it Hollyweird that gives them these ideas? Just because you have a gun doesn't mean you have to use it all the time. To me, guns are the LAST resort, not the FIRST..

</rant off>

ok, had to get that off my chest...
Had a talk with Combat-Wombat about the same subject..
In your case Myself, yours would be "Stop, Drop, and Roll"!!! :D

No insult intended. I'm 'horizontally challenged myself. Not to mention vertically challenged as well!! :neener:

Common sense is no longer common. If they see it on tv or a movie, then that MUST mean that it can be done. They would never portray something that wasn't real, right? ;)

Some people have trouble rubbing two brain cells together to form a cognitive thought. To be able to differentiate between reality and fantasy would be to taxing for many.
Well for me, if someone started shooting and I had a weapon on my person and ran away, then I later found out that someone got killed I would not be able to sleep at night. That could be just me, but I have been called crazy at times. ;)
Myself, if it ever goes down for real, I bet you'll surprise yourself. :D

I'm in full agreement with Twoblink; the gun is for if they catch me. ;)

That's one reason I try to stay in shape.
MissileCop, if you're talking about your waistline being larger than average, that's "circumferentially endowed", not "horizontally challenged".

Geesh. The PC police must be slacking, people messing up their euphemisms like that...:neener:
To be truly politically correct, the correct terminology for "running away" is "exercising the French option."
I would have to say that I would NEVER run away from a gunfight if I am outgunned...Instead I would make a direct attack in the direction of least resistance. If that direction happened to be clear of enemies and had ample cover, so much the better :D
El T,

The Truth hurts!!

I think movies like "Falling Down" makes them think we are all psycho and go around waving a gun and shootin street repair people.

Or.. They just can't tell the Matrix from the real world...
Another good one in the same line of thinking is "People shouldn't carry concealed weapons. If you have a gun, the bad guy will surely kill you!". That came up when I was talking to one of my crazy anti-gun friends recently.

The gun is there "in case" you need it, and it certainly doesn't mean that you will draw and start firing randomly whenever you see a dangerous criminal. The whole point is that it's concealed, and you can decide what to do the same way as anyone else in that situation. The only difference is that you have a lot more options to consider.

prevent me from running.
I once showed an anti my gun and he said " wow, lets ride around in my car and point it at people".
He is against private ownership because he thinks everyones thinks like he does.
btw I am glad he "will never own a gun"
(no I didn't take him up on his offer.
I always tell people, run run run run far far far away!! (Preferably in a zig-zag).
This conjures up mental images from the movie, The Inlaws. Anybody ever see it? Peter Falk is running away from some guys shooting at him, all the while Alan Arkin is yelling "Serpentine, Serpentine" at him. Falk is zig-zagging so much he is hardly going anywhere. Very funny. :)
Situational awareness and avoidance are key. If you are aware: avoid; if you are aware and can't avoid because of injury or inability then you defend yourself. Your first obligation is avoidance (I think that's the law in most places). We've had threads on this here and the TFL; some members at least seem to be looking for an excuse to engage in a gunfight. I have never been in a gunfight and hope I never will. I'd be willing to bet that most folks that have been in one would not want to be in another. I'll settle for paper opponents.
LOOOOOW profile!! :cool: Good call Striker..
I would have to say that I would NEVER run away from a gunfight if I am outgunned...Instead I would make a direct attack in the direction of least resistance. If that direction happened to be clear of enemies and had ample cover, so much the better
Where's the exit and who do I have to worry about? If it's just me, watch my dust. Involve my wife or kids, impede their retreat (I advance, THEY retreat), and there will be cover...:fire:

Another good one in the same line of thinking is "People shouldn't carry concealed weapons. If you have a gun, the bad guy will surely kill you!". That came up when I was talking to one of my crazy anti-gun friends recently.

Maybe it's just my old age, but I have found that some people are just too stupid for me to waste time talking to.
Actually, the time to leave is before TSHTF. If I start feeling uneasy, I figure my subconscious is picking up on something that's somehow wrong, so I'll make myself scarce.

If some wacko is already killing people, whether to run or fight depends a WHOLE LOT on the circumstances - with a little imagination, you can probably come up with plenty of scenarious in which one course of action or the other would be indicated.
I too am a lardass... and wanna just BET that I can run when needed... you bet your bupkiss that I can and will run when the time comes... the gun is only for when lives are in danger, and running isn't viable...
Regarding the tough talk, my dad kept telling me that if you talk it long enough, you will eventually have to back it up. With that in mind, I avoid the tough talk. Having never been in "The Dark Place", I don't know what I'd do. I can only try to be prepared., and hope it never happens.
There's tough talk and there is mindset. From what I've read here no-one was talking tough.....they all want minimal confrontation, me included. Hank has the right idea in being aware of when things appear to be going south, but remember MURPHY LIVES!!
If the SHTF :what: and you have to contemplate what to do, instead of relying on training and decisive action, you are behind the curve…..bad place to be.
Be prepared is good advice, though each of us seems to take it to different levels.
I think Hollyweird has a lot to do with it. Most of the time when they see guns in the hands of someone who's not a cop, its a gunfight where someone is shooting at a car that's speeding away at 90mph a hundred yards away while running and holding the gun sideways or some other rediculous scene.

OUCH! El Tejon, that hurt! *Hops around, holding toes*
didnt bother me, I'm wearing steel-toed shoes:D

Actually, the time to leave is before TSHTF. If I start feeling uneasy, I figure my subconscious is picking up on something that's somehow wrong, so I'll make myself scarce.
Me too. that last time I ignored my gut, I was 17, and got jumped by six guys.

Regarding the tough talk, my dad kept telling me that if you talk it long enough, you will eventually have to back it up. With that in mind, I avoid the tough talk.
Its usually the quiet ones you have to worry about. I've seen quite a few bullies get stomped by by an "easy target" that never talked or acted like billy badass. There were a few times my attitude went from "I've got to break this up before he get F'ed up" to "anyone got any popcorn?"

I miss high school.
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