Why do we Fight?

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Mar 10, 2004
"Some" historical reasons...

1) anything that divides us from others

Political Ideology
Class (wealth)

2) comparing ourselves to others


Man didn't evolve and is not evolving. Our collective knowledge base has grown throughout history but man is as man was. We have adapted from reliance on physical attributes to reliance on mental prowess. But man has not changed. Essentially man does today what he always has. He just uses new methods and tools do it.

Belief in a higher being (God, Allah, Mother Nature, The Cosmos, your ancestors...) does not cause man to do evil things. Man in and of himself is corrupt. Man causes man to do evil. We may have moderate success learning to control our corrupt nature but we will not "evolve" beyond it.

Any others??
Most real fights (wars) arise from the need, or the perceived threat to, survival. I suspect more wars have been waged over gold, water, oil, food, land than over race, ethnicity or religion.

Humans are inherently selfish creatures and when we feel threatened we will fight, and kill.
when we feel threatened we will fight, and kill.

We wouldn't have survived our primitive heritage without those instincts, either. Think your job stinks? Trying being a hunter-gatherer during an ice age. You break a leg, you just have to live with it...for the rest of your life. It'll probably heal wrong and you'll be in a lot of pain either way.

Making a living chasting Mastadon herds is not for the faint of heart...our technology is what allows us to survive comfortably, but we're wired to make it in the wild.
We wouldn't have survived our primitive heritage without those instincts, either. Think your job stinks? Trying being a hunter-gatherer during an ice age. You break a leg, you just have to live with it...for the rest of your life. It'll probably heal wrong and you'll be in a lot of pain either way

Agreed. You would think that after millions of years of evolution natural selection would have produced a world population of uber-warriors by now. So how do you explain the appeasement whores of the left?
God made two types of people: good ones and bad ones. The good ones live mostly in a blessed place called the United States of America. A few live in England and Israel. Being from Ohio, I'm very good. It's one of the states.

We fight because we know that God only wants the good people to be alive. It's our job to kill off the bad ones. The more inventions we can create to do this, the better. That's why God had the A-bomb invented here. Pretty good for a bunch of Neanderthals!

The main reason I would want to kill somebody off is if they are thinner or more handsome.

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