Why has there not been a MILLION CITIZEN MARCH?

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Hot brass

Feb 15, 2003
A small town in California
The mill mom march, the ???? march. Why no MILLION CITIZEN MARCH to protest illegal immigration???

Look at the costs to the US citizens.
Medical costs
Law Enforcement
Population explosion

There is no cost to the US government, the government does not produce money. The government just prints money.
Maybe there are less than a million who want to pay the inflation that would result from curbing immigration. It's never a matter of ethics, integrity, or altruism, is it?

In the short term, before inflation would be reflected in prices, businesses would have lower profits. Who wants to take the pill first? Who wants to tell Mexico that the flow of funds from their people working in the US will stop?

Bush talks about jobs that Americans don't want but doesn't mention the ecomony's dependence upon the low wages of those jobs. Offer more pay and, viola!, people are standing in line, actually no longer eligible for unemployment or assistance, because jobs are available.

The kicker is that if immigration is tightly restricted, American's ability to work in other countries or even travel there suddenly becomes correspondingly restricted. You can't make all the rules.
I am sure that you could find 1million Americans with the same distorted world view. But, I very much doubt that you could find 1million that would have the means/will to actually put forth some kind of effort to further their agenda. It's not as popular an issue as some think. And the issue also crosses a LOT of political lines. It would require getting a lot of people who don't agree on much to agree on that one thing. it's not likely to ever happen IMHO. i might show up to the counter demostration though just for fun.
If American citizens don't want to march, maybe we can let some illegals across the border and give them a Marching Visa to march for us. Naturally, they have to go home right after the march (which I'm sure they will.)
My own view...

is that most of us are working and don't have the time....

Not to mention that all of DC is a Criminal Protection Zone. Several years ago, during the dedication of a National Memorial for Police Officers, visiting LEO's were strongly encouraged to leave their weapons at home. :cuss:

I pay vast amounts of taxes to keep my congresscritters there and me here.... :fire:

Kennesaw GA would be a better venue :) .
Hello everybody.â„¢

You know what I'll pay for?

Watching Armed Citizens parading military style through D.C carrying AR-10s with 30 rounders and sidearms with backup ammo.

Would kill TV for a week or so. :D

The Second Magna Carta. :D :D
....didn't the American Indians try this, a few days before the first Thanksgiving?
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