Why not do caps in reverse?

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Hello, I point the barrel in a safe direction and lower the hammer slowly on every cap, then press with my thumb. This way, if it goes off, the ball goes through the barrel, not on the side of the gun.


Gil, that's a fine and worthy idea if you're on your own and plinking at the range. But if I tried that in the loading area at a cowboy action match it would rapidly earn me a match DQ and I'd be done for the day. But I do concur with the need to press the caps home with some firmness. So that's why I use a push stick to ensure they are seated deeply enough to be in contact with the end of the nipple. And THAT is within the SASS rules.

But as I posted above I don't tempt fate when doing this. Instead I make sure that my fingers are all back behind the front face of the cylinder but that I'm cradling the gun well with my other hand..... just in case.
But if I tried that in the loading area at a cowboy action match it would rapidly earn me a match DQ

Certainly.. I think caps going off without a hammer blow is a very rare occurence. Modern caps are probably less prone to do so than the old kind. I have never had one go off unexpectedly, and never heard of such an incident. Not to say it doesn't happen.. I think my method is safe as long as you keep the barrel in a safe direction and don't let the hammer slip from your thumb. Use at your own risk, sh*t happens..

Cap & ball revolvers are so much fun, I think it's worth the risk!

You know THR has a darn fine Black Powder section this whole discussion should be in...............

How about this for an answer? If it was such a good and safe idea to cap first, don't you think someone might have noticed this in that last 160+ years?

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