Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World

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actually, our low crime rate has nothing to do with the ISSUED guns..actually, there are very few cases of home defense involving these guns. most of the people keep them in the basement with the bolt assembly out of the gun, to avoid stolen guns to be used.

On the other hand, there are many more privately owned handguns around, and these, might have helped with low crime rate for a long time. before 1999, the right to carry was still true in most of our cantons and required no permit at all..

but this changed, carrying is nearly impossible for us paesants and our crime rate is increasing.. and the only answer from politicians is more tight gunlaws.. You would think they would understand that they are going the wrong way.. but they don't..

maybe they actually do, but don't care about crime.. what they care is political control.. and if you aim at that, less guns is better..

it's true, we have a long gun and shooting tradition, but this is slowly dying.. another 2 generations and it will be lost... this, because of the leftiests and pacifists anti-gun propaganda..
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Sorry about that Shung.
It looks like you have the same stupid politicians that we have here in the US

Maybe being a politician requires a general lack of common sense?
Don't be sorry, we will fight for our ideas as long as possible. Maybe the situation getting always worst will make the people of Switzerland open it's eyes..

Crossing fingers.. ... and stocking up guns and ammo...
Maybe you need to have a SNRA, ( Swiss National Rifle Association )? If something like it does not already exist.
Sadly I think you nailed it.

Less guns equates to more government control. Plus the added benefit of no armed revolution. I saw it happen in the UK, and heard about it in Australia and Canada, all of whom are pointed at as examples of where gun control works, but not if you live there, with rising crime rates. Now I worry and pay (NRA/GOA/SAF) to prevent it happening here. Anyway with that I will return to my slightly salty beer...
Politicians are not stupid...

...disarming us is EXACTLY for the reason of controlling us...no other reason could possibly exist...and no nation's citizens has been disarmed without the government trying to control them afterwards...
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