Why you *should* talk to the press - and how.

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The article on our Women on Target clinic just ran in print and on the web. I think it turned out very well.

I wanted it to get more exposure and change the focus of the discussion more to that spefic article so I started a new thread about it using it as a "case study" on how to talk to the press and what to expect.

Here's the link:

Ignorance can fuel a bias.
As a former anti, I can attest to this.

Also, a crappy attitude (i.e. all reporters are liberal scum so I won't talk to them) fuels a bias, which in turn fuels ignorance...

It's something i say with every opportunity. You need to treat your adversary (the anti gunner or even the reporter) with respect unless you absolutely KNOW they are out to get you (Like Mitch Albulm). You'll never help someone get over their ignorance and bias unless you do this. Of course, you won't get everyone but imagine what every one of you could do if you were able to plant knowledge and truth into 1 out of every 10 people you talked to?

The attitide I see most people around here take to "anti's" and "dirty libs" is so counterproductive, and just helps enforce ignorance and bias. It's probably 2A's biggest weakness.

You can hate what anti-gunners (or liberals in general) stand for, but every time you engage with one, you need to stay on the high road so to speak.
You are NOT Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh; (or Ed Schultz or Randi Rhodes for that matter) and repeat the same kind of attitude.

The fact that I'm sitting here, on this board full of 2A enthusiests, whom I probably disagree with on any other political ideal is a testimant to the fact that YES. WE CAN be reached. We CAN see the truth. It takes respect and patience, but you can change some people's mind.
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