(WI) Masked man tries to rob pharmacy using finger as gun...

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
A loaded gesture

Marshfield man accused of using his finger as a fake gun

[email protected]

Last Updated: June 23, 2003

A masked man tried to rob a central Wisconsin pharmacy Sunday night armed only with his fingers.

The would-be robber didn't even try to conceal his pointed finger in a pocket to fool anybody into thinking he was holding a gun, authorities said.

He simply held up his gloved hand and pointed his finger, with his thumb extended like the cocked hammer of a pistol, at the pharmacy owner. It didn't work.

Now Joel D. Peterson, 30, of Marshfield faces attempted robbery charges. Prosecutors couldn't charge him with attempted armed robbery since a pointed finger isn't a weapon. Instead, Peterson was charged with attempted robbery with threat of force. He was also charged Monday with seven counts of fraudulently obtaining controlled substances.

At first, Bill Weiler, co-owner of Sniteman Pharmacy in downtown Neillsville, didn't believe he was being robbed when a masked man accosted him as he closed up shop Sunday evening.

"I kind of chuckled, 'This is a robbery?' and he pushed me and said, 'Yeah, this is a robbery,' " Weiler said Monday.

Because of the close quarters of the back room of the pharmacy, Weiler said that at first he believed the man's fingers were a pistol, "but then when he pushed me, I pushed him back. I realized it was not a gun."

Weiler, 55, said he wrestled with the intruder down a flight of stairs. During the fracas, Weiler pulled off the makeshift mask - a stocking cap with eyeholes cut out - and recognized Peterson because he had recently been accused of forging prescriptions at the pharmacy.

Peterson escaped but was arrested late Sunday in Jackson County. He is being held on $2,500 bail in the Clark County Jail and was ordered to appear in court on July 8.

Turn the Kali politicians loose on this and soon a finger will be a firearm!

The gun law in Kali states that a pistol magazine is a gun! Please! I am not kidding... Soooo! In Kalifornicate, according to their logic and ability to make stupid legislation a finger could be a loaded gun. The guy was loaded therefore his finger was loaded and a gun.

Maybe the law will force us to spray paint our fingers bright orange lest they be confused for deadly weapons that go BANG!
Have you seen those new high-capacity assault fingers? What honest person needs an assault finger?
It would have worked on Get Smart. In one episode, Agent Maxwell Smart had a two round gun in one index finger.
I'll be the first to go! I have tactical, oversize, high capacity fingers! They'll have to be deactivated! Nobody needs fingers like that. Those long range, high-power arms will have to go as well. Triggers are made to be pulled by fingers! Sir, do you have a permit for those legs?

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