Will Bin Laden strike now?

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Dec 25, 2002
With the destruction and suffering in the gulf coast area - would Bin Laden view this as an opportune time to execute a major strike somewhere else in the country? It's apparent that govt agencies are already burdened beyond capacity, a strike from his terror group could strain resources to the breaking point. I hope the authorities aren't wearing blinders and focusing all their attention on the gulf coast.
Wouldn't strain to the breaking point unless some sort of unmolested nuclear detonation.

However, AQ in this country has been the most happily disappointing adversary we have ever seen. =) Again, hundreds and hundreds of cost free things that could be 'terrorizing' the country, yet not one. =) [well, none that we have been made aware of, attempts, etc... you would think to justify funding if there were such attempts it would be known to have everyone stay on their toes]
Major terror strikes are not things that can just be fired off at a moment's notice.

If there is a major plan already developed and organized, and in place, then yes, he could order the attack to go now, but only if it were already to the atual operational stage.

However, if there is not a plan already in place and organized and developed, then no, he couldn't. And he wouldn't have time to set one up to happen before the crisis is over, either.

The problem for terrorists with having a major plan waiting in the wings for just the right moment is that the chances that operational security will be compromised get greater & greater the longer that it sits there.

I don't think that there will be anything MAJOR from him/AQ as you can't plan on major natural disasters happening. This might be an opportunity to activate sleeper cells for dramatic but in the grand scheme of things small actions (shooting up a school/shopping mall).

Katrina will be a mess for months but unless he has something ready/in the late planning stages, an attack won't have the same impact in a few months that it would in the next couple of weeks.
Anything remotely possible

Would have the highest impact on the major cities bordering the Katrina landfall. Houston Dallas and Little Rock are just a few. Everyone displaced and showing up in new cities and states could be in for just as much SHTF as NO is now.
I could see terrorists using Katrina as a way to bring people into the country; the devastation around NO would make for easy cover to bring operatives in. Major operations take way too long to perform, although something relatively simple (like bombing the leevees) would be feasible.

I don't see it happening though.
No big hurry. Right now, Osama's plan is right on schedule. GWB took the bait. We are busy bankrupting ourselves in Iraq. When the financial time is right, he will strike. Checkmate.

(50 years of socialist/marxist spending yielding a $8T debt tends to make a country prone to financial disasters)

- You do realize that he intends to defeat us via financial means? He has stated this several times.
dave - put down the kool-aide and step away from the keyboard.

We're spending, what, a hundred billion a year in Iraq. Out of a total .gov budget of, what, $2.5trillion. Yeah, it's a significant amount, but the money in this country is so vast (GDP for 2005 est. at $12trillion, and total wealth probably 100x that) that it hardly matters. OBL couldn't bankrupt us if he tried. He could cause temporary financial pain for the country, but to suggest that we're somehow falling for a plan of his to actually ruin ourselves fighting him is patently absurd.
Oh, beautiful. Iraq is ONLY 10% of our total expenditures. You are forgeting that the gov't is borrowing this extra money. They surely are not reducing expenses in other areas. They are incapable of this type of self restraint. As a result we are borrowing about $2B a day that we don't have to finance our debt habit. Iraq is adding to this habit. Our financial system is already showing signs of it's future demise in that foreign countries are taking the initial steps to exit the dollar as the worlds reserve currency (the dollar has plunged 50% vs. the Euro). If this is an orderly transition, we will see massive inflation (higher gas, home, health, food costs) like we are starting to see now. If it is disorderly, we will see total collapse that will make the great depression seem like a joke.

All of this is because our we have allowed our gov't to become a socialist nanny state that wants to do everything for everyone with borrowed money. It will not last forever.
There are 8 large oil refineries in the New Orleans area with nobody in them. They have huge storage tanks and nobody is watching the store.
It sounds wierd, but I think that most muslims would look down on that. They might hate America, but they believe there is honor in the "holy war". And I don't think even they can feel justified when kicking a man who's down. Sure the hardcore extreemists have no problem with it, but they know that the moderates don't feel the same way.
bin laden (if he's still alive) can't 'strike' at will. He's not an evil genius like you see in James Bond movies. His band of followers are like persistent low grade virii, they constantly exploit vulnerabilities and will strike where ever and when ever opportunities present themselves. They're not as sophisticated as they would like you to think. Remember, they only needed boxcutters to pull off 9/11.
There are 8 large oil refineries in the New Orleans area with nobody in them. They have huge storage tanks and nobody is watching the store.
And what are you expecting? That Al Q will blow them up? To do that they'd have to already have people with explosives in the area. Theft is not much of a concern. Trying to fill your car, or even a bucket, from the storage tanks would next to impossible even if you could figure out which had the right kind of fuel.
It would be counterproductive for him.

We've also been chasing our tails and spending hundreds of billions without him doing anything new since September 11. We do a good enough job on our own of scaring ourselves.
He also can't move men and material in at will. That is one reason he went the terrorism route. These aren't traditional military operations.
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