Wilmette Gun Owner writes Letter to the Editor

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Dec 25, 2002
Eastern PA - Berks/Lehigh Valley
"Gun owner: I, not cops, got bad guy "

And, in a move that has drawn criticism, DeMar was cited with breaking Wilmette's ban on handguns and with failing to update his firearm owner's identification card.

The misdemeanors are unlikely to bring jail time. Wilmette Police Chief George Carpenter did not criticize DeMar for protecting his family but said homes are safer without handguns.

DeMar, in a letter sent to the Chicago Sun-Times, is now speaking out:



Note to all----add this to the required reading list--------------I expect hundreds of supporting comments---so read for yourselves......
We should find out if he has a legal defense fund and vote with our dollars. No man should be forced to cower in his home defenseless in front of his children . . . . after all, we're not as "civilized" as the Brits. Hope we never will be . . .

I'm assuming that the part in the story where he says that he loaded the weapon for the first time meant the first time outside of a range situation. If not then he has more faith than me in an untested mechanical device to save my life when called upon.

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