Window Signs, automatic validates home owners defense?

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Cluster Bomb

Jul 3, 2011
I have always woundered if I wer to place a decal or sign in each window and door something to the effect of
"Danger: Unlawful or Unauthorized Entrance Contract. By entering this home by Unlawful or otherwise Unauthorized means will result in the termination of your life. Do not attempt to enter. Entering property is a binding contract. You have been warned"

would hold up in a court of some sort? or validate a home owner shooting an armed or unarmed intruder With or without the intent to cause harm.

I don't know about you but if someone is breaking in and entering. He has violated my family's rights, and fear of harm becoming of myself or my family would warrant my self defense, in any state. However for whatever reason, it seems the criminal has more rights than the victim.
Would hold up about as well as posting a sign that said "enter my property and you owe me $1,000,000,000,000.00. This is a contract."

Good luck collecting.
Probably wouldn't look good in court. I would avoid signs and bumper stickers that contained what could be considered "aggressive language".
Why go to the trouble of posting signage at all? Does Maine have some crazy law that prevents people from using deadly force against criminals who forcibly break into your home?
Maine is a Castle Doctrine state. Such a sign is needless.

validate a home owner shooting an armed or unarmed intruder With or without the intent to cause harm.

Er... why would you want to shoot an intruder who is (a) unarmed, and (b) not intending to cause harm? Absent a deadly threat, what you describe is called "murder".
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If you do post the signs, I would recommend also wearing a CCW badge or sash so the police will know who the good guy is when they come to your home...
We'll stop here before someone suggests a wheelbarrow :)

Should be obvious that the general consensus is this type of sign doesn't have many fans.
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