WMD Attack Thwarted in Jordan

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Sep 9, 2003
Cedar City, Utah

Officials: Chemical Attacks Thwarted in Jordan
Sunday, April 18, 2004

AMMAN, Jordan — An Al Qaeda (search)-linked terrorist cell recently dismantled in Jordan was plotting to detonate a chemical bomb capable of killing thousands of people and to attack the U.S. Embassy and prime minister's office with poison gas, officials said Saturday.

Officials close to the investigation told The Associated Press that several terror suspects arrested in Jordan last month have confessed the plots were hatched by Jordanian militant Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi (search), thought to be a close associate of Al Qaeda boss Usama bin Laden.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the terrorist cell was planning to attack Jordan's secret service — the General Intelligence Department — with a chemical bomb that would have killed as many as 20,000 people and caused large-scale destruction within a half-mile radius.

Jordan's King Abdullah II (search) said this week in a published letter of thanks to his intelligence chief, Gen. Saad Kheir, that the arrests of the terror cell members have "saved thousands of lives."

In his letter, Abdullah said that had the chemical bomb plot not been uncovered, Jordan would have seen "a crime that would have been unprecedented in the country in terms of the size of explosives mounted on the vehicles and the methods of carrying out the attacks or the civilian locations chosen."

On Saturday, the officials told the AP that the terror cell was also apparently planning to carry out simultaneous poison gas attacks against foreign diplomatic missions, including the heavily fortified U.S. Embassy in Amman, vital Jordanian public establishments like the prime minister's office and unspecified civilian targets.

They declined to elaborate, but stressed the plot had been foiled with the arrests late last month and earlier this month of an unspecified number of terrorist suspects.

Jordanian officials say the arrests occurred after suspected militants entered Jordan from neighboring Syria in at least three vehicles filled with explosives, detonators and raw material to be used in bomb-making.

Syrian officials have denied the claims.

Among those arrested last week were two Palestinian militants identified as Suleiman Darweesh and Muwafaq Adwan, thought to be close associates of al-Zarqawi.

Another Palestinian militant, Azmi al-Jayoussi, is thought to be at large.

U.S. officials have offered a $10 million reward for al-Zarqawi's capture, saying he is trying to build a network of foreign militants in neighboring Iraq to work on Al Qaeda's behalf.

Al-Zarqawi is suspected of connection to about a dozen high-profile attacks in Iraq, including the bombing of the U.N. headquarters in August and Shiite religious ceremonies last month. Moroccan authorities believe he may have helped guide the Madrid train bombings. U.S. and Jordanian law enforcement say he funded the Oct. 2002 assassination of a U.S. diplomat in Jordan.

Jordan, a moderate Arab nation with close ties to America and a peace treaty with Israel, has been targeted by Al Qaeda and other terrorists. Twenty-two Islamic extremists were convicted of plotting to attack U.S. and Israeli tourists during the kingdom's millennium celebrations.


So, what abouth those WMDs? Intelligence analyst on FOX this morning states that his group has been following the WMD from Iraq to Syria where it was buried. Now Al Qaeda has it. Using it against US targets.
Yes sir, lets ditch the Patriot act, the FBI, ATF etc. I know the terrorists would love us for that. :scrutiny:
Arrests? So the Jordanians caught the rats? Let's hope the Christians in Action give them a good talking to so we can find out where The Base got this stuff.

There's one thing we know for sure and that it didn't come from kindly Uncle Saddam because he has nothing to do with terrorism.:rolleyes:
I wonder what the planned chemical agent was. "Poison Gas" is pretty ambiguous.
Pretty scary. Warms my heard to hear about these scumbags being taken out of action.

Everybody in the world needs to take that one extra step required to assure these monkeys won't appear in the free world again.

20,000 people with a bomb laden with "poison gas." I wonder, too, what it was.
woulda failed. they tried the same thing at the first WTC bombing. Sensitive Chemical agents don´t like being "blown up", low level radioactives on the other hand...

well atek3 i'm sure you wouldn't mind them poping it off in your front yard then hmmmm. Seeings howyour so confident of the outcome:D
I like Chris Rhines. He asks the questions I'm thinking.

Yes sir, lets ditch the Patriot act, the FBI, ATF etc. I know the terrorists would love us for that.
Sorry, Rich, but your thinking is flawed. The BATFE has nothing to do with investigating foreign terrorists in foreign countries. Neither do the Patriot Act or the FBI, for that matter.:rolleyes:
BTW: The king of Jordan is a Gunsite graduate.
Jeff Cooper's Commentaries
Vol. 7, No. 3 March, 1999
It was a pleasure for all Orange Gunsite grads to learn that their fellow scholar Prince Abdullah has now become King of Jordan. So far as we know, he is the only reigning monarch to have a ticket from Orange Gunsite. Clearly his country is now in good hands.
El Tejon

Yeah, my guess is that The Base will try something really big in the U.S. like this come October.

I'm sure that they will try - let's hope that some stupid mistake on their part and/or good intelligence on our part will give us a similar result.

Just one dirty semi truck bomb should unelect Bush.

It might have exactly the opposite effect. Kerry is the one who wants to invest in first responders (i.e. play defense and wait to be attacked), whereas Bush has been on offense for 2 1/2 years. It would seem to me that another terrorist incident here would vindicate Bush's desire to destroy the terror networks and kill the scum who compose those networks over there, away from our cities and streets and kids. Enemies of America have a long history of misreading and underestimating us. We can be pushed some, especially if it doesn't involve us directly, but if we get a bloody nose from somewhere we respond with hundreds of thousands of boots on the ground and cause a rain of ordinance from the sky.

I notice that Syria was somewhat involved here - I pity Assad and his murderous cronies when they finally pi$$ us off enough (well, not really, its just a figure of speech), especially since the Israelis will almost certainly be involved somehow (and Syria can't hold off Israel by itself for more than a few days, let alone them and us acting in concert).
I haven't exactly noticed this making front page news... Hmmmm good news just doesn't grab the DNC, I mean the major press outlets like bad huh.:scrutiny:
Yeah, my guess is that The Base will try something really big in the U.S. like this come October.

Hey, it worked in Spain...right?

I'm sure they view Kerry as another win for them.

Socialist / Social Elitist

Kerry understands the pain of little guy. He will redistribute the wealth of upper class to those who really should have it.

Guess who decides who really should have it.:scrutiny:
Taurus, a perp is a perp is a perp. Terrorist groups are known for being predictable, however they are also known for drawing incorrect political conclusions. We will have to wait and see what October brings us (other than my birthday--so, you can start shopping now:D).

The Base does not support Johnny Ketchup because he is a socialist, but because he is not Bush and will back the heat off of them across the globe a la Clinton allowing them more free time to plan another big shot at the U.S. They hate Kerry, but not as much as Bush. Just playing the lesser of evils, Kerry is such an elitist that he does not understand that the New Barbary pirates intend to do exactly as they say, not because we made them, but because they are.
I'm surprised at the sparseness of detail on what should be a major story. Was this a plot to detonate a huge chemical explosion, as in nitrogen-based fertilizer & fuel oil, or a plot to detonate a huge explosion and release of chemical weapons as in Sarin, VX, etc? The language is too inexact to tell. Just like news about guns. :rolleyes:

TFL Survivor
I agree, this incident needs more attention. Assuming the facts are as presented, this was a very, very big deal.

Considering as well the sad news this morning from Basra, and the murder of 68 men, women and children, I would sincerely hope more Muslims are waking up to the danger within their religion.

There has been covert and overt support of radical Islam for many years now ... decent, peace-loving Muslims are now paying a terrible price along with the rest of the world. It can only stop when peaceful Arabs and Muslims join together to help wipe out these murderous savages, and stop the preaching of violence. Moderate Islam is at least as much at risk as non-Islamic nations and populations.

Glad the Jordanian forces stopped this attack in its tracks.

Regards from TX
I'm surprised at the sparseness of detail on what should be a major story.
That's how you know it's bogus. FOX news is a republican mouthpiece that has been caught twice in the last year printing as fact stories about Iraq (and WMD) that were 100% false. One was a report of the Marines finding a amssive underground nuclear facility which is this story:


FOX no longer has the link to the story they printed, but it was a duplicate of this one.

Also, FOX printed a story of an internal intelligence report that detailed Iraq's long term links to Al Qaeda that was 100% false. The pentagon went so far as to denounce the story publicly and many papers ran stories about how some news agencies who were so desparate to support Bush were being duped by running false stories that they did not verify.

Bottom line, I don't know what went on in Jordan. I do know FOX is 100% unreliable. I know if there was ashred of evidence tracing any WMD back to Iraq, Bush would call a news conference and shout it across the rooftops and Condi Rice would be doing cartwheels. Repub senators would be stampeding to get in front of cameras to say "I told you so." The deathly silence indicates there is not much there. It is certainly likely Al Qaeda has bios and chems because they have access to unlimted $$$ from the saudi Royal family who fund them. There are weapons to be bought, and they will buy them. If some VX or other nasties were hauled out of Iraq (possible) way back when, our destruction of Hussein's regime means those weapons were made free agents and who ever was holding them was free to sell them for $$$. The real story is probably very different than what FOX printed, but one thing for sure: not every chem or bio in the world has it's roots in Iraq.
Bountyhunter when you say Fox is 100% unreliable or 100% false you make yourself sound like an idiot. Even Bill Clinton wasn't 100% wrong.:neener:
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