WMD Stuff

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Badoom doom doom ching.

I rest my case.

Yall have fun and wake me when it's over.

… Has it occurred to anyone that “Shrub†just might be letting his foes bark until they’re hoarse, then drop the truth on them and make them look like rabid mutts?

Why is that whenever President G. W. Bush does something unwise, his supporters always seem to assume that it is some kind of clever trick to put one over on his political opponents?

~G. Fink
whenever President G. W. Bush does something unwise

Probably because in the context of the current democratic orgy, GWB hasn't done anything unwise. It has taken almost three years for Democrats to find one possible erroneous quote made by Bush on information provided by a foreign intelligence agency and that is still the only thing they can whine about.
Probably because in the context of the current democratic orgy,
which has been going on since Bush took office. Remember the old democratic mantra "What did he know, and when did he know it?" Most of the Democrat presidential "hopefuls" (what is there, nine? The phrase "throw it against the wall and see if anything sticks comes to mind") are so caught up in it they have forgotten to campaign against each other and are already campaigning against Bush.
"Why is that whenever President G. W. Bush does something unwise, his supporters always seem to assume that it is some kind of clever trick to put one over on his political opponents?"

Gordon, I'm not anywhere near as supportive of GW as I was even last year. He's done some things that really ticked me off--the prescription drug bill, the Patriot Act, among others. However, I see in most cases why he's doing what he is, even when I disagree.

However, the notion of giving someone enough rope to hang themselves isn't new in politics. I'm not saying that is what's going on, but it's certainly plausible. If that is his strategy, though, then he has to yank the rope soon, otherwise he'll be forced to dig himself out of low poll numbers for a year.
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