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Sep 12, 2008
North West Alaska
We have Wolves AND 375,000Caribou in our WACH "Western Arctic Caribou Herd "

What we dont have are People, fences, Roads or thousands of Hunters looking for Big and Best, while Wolves decimate the weak......and the fenced.....and the chained......

earlier this week I was heading home after a test ride (Rebuilt the engine) and crossed paths with three who had crossed my earlier path........Death was on the line.
We rode over the ridge, and there they were.
The wife snapped a picture while I got off a shot , hit the mark, but as quickly as I reloaded, the other two made the rocky top and dissapeared there. I dont ride that ground, so I circled, but they remaind. I held a bit high as he was actually runnig uphill, and let fly while still swinging, like a shotgun. I lead running Wolves by 1 to 1-1/2 their length, depending on thier angle.

Hunt them for fun and profit!!

Good wolf Hunting to you and yours!!

The Hungriest wild Wolf Laughs at the Best fed chained Dog..........
Caribou, your posts are the main reason I keep checking out the hunting section. I know it's more hard work and nearly freezing, but it's hard not to romanticize your lifestyle reading your posts. Keep them coming. Wyohome, give it a few months and we may be able to follow in Caribou's footsteps.
Well that is disappointing.

I hope it's fur was at least used for something so its life wasn't a total waste.

Makes me wonder what that wolf did to deserve to die other than try to live the way wolves are supposed to live.
Well that is disappointing.
I hope it's fur was at least used for something so its life wasn't a total waste.
Use the search function and read some of caribou's many posts. You'd see his family making clothing to survive in the artic circle from musk ox, fox, and yes, wolves. It's a subsistance lifestyle. If anyone on here can lecture us on how to not waste an animal's meat or hyde it would be caribou.
Well that is disappointing.

I hope it's fur was at least used for something so its life wasn't a total waste.

Makes me wonder what that wolf did to deserve to die other than try to live the way wolves are supposed to live.

Agreed. I support hunting as long it provides for a necessity, such as food. My support does not, however, extend to those who just enjoy killing things.
Use the search function and read some of caribou's many posts. You'd see his family making clothing to survive in the artic circle from musk ox, fox, and yes, wolves. It's a subsistance lifestyle. If anyone on here can lecture us on how to not waste an animal's meat or hyde it would be caribou.

I'm not typically in the habit of researching the backgrounds of forum members but that is good to know.

It might not be a bad plan to mention that the wolf was going to be used for something for those of us who don't know him as well.

Knowing that it is going to be used changes the entire tone of the post from "I kill things because it's fun and boosts my ego!" to "I kill things to live and keep warm!", the latter of which I personally find much more justifiable.
caribou and others in Alaska also use their furs to make clothing to sell. As I'm sure caribou will probably say later, when gas is $8-10 a gallon and milk too, it gets expensive real quick up there. There may be only one or two stores in the main villages up there. When a loaf of bread costs over $5, frozen pizzas $30, and a six pack of soda costs $10, you see why alaskans hunt and fish so much. It costs too much to go joyriding on the tundra, river, or ocean, blast any animal you see, and then leave it there to rot. It's just not practical.
It wasn't subsistence hunters with rifles who ever put a wolf (or anything else) on the ESL. Wolves were annihilated in the lower 48 with mass poisonings. They can be controlled with the kind of spot shooting of adults seen here, but not really eliminated.
"Well that is disappointing.

I hope it's fur was at least used for something so its life wasn't a total waste."


"I'm not typically in the habit of researching the backgrounds of forum members but that is good to know."

Be good to know something about what's been going on before jumping in with an opinion that's 180º off from reality. Sorta reminds me of a federal prosecutor for whom I was happy to lead a jury back in with, "Not guilty."
Be good to know something about what's been going on before jumping in with an opinion that's 180º off from reality.

Yes, it would. Like I said, that's why it would be nice if the OP had mentioned that he'd taken the wolf home and used it after he killed it. It would save those of us who don't know him at all some aggravation.

This isn't a small town club. Not everyone here knows everyone else and we're not all part of the THR good'ol boys club. Think. What if I had been a first time visitor to this forum and that had been the very first post I'd clicked? What would I have assumed then?

I personally don't know the guy from Adam and this is the first post of his that I believe I've ever read. You can only form an opinion off of the evidence that is in put front of you Art. That opinion can change, which mine has, when new information comes about.

Like I said. I'm not in the habit of researching the background of every forum member whose post I read and I'm willing to wager you didn't go back and read all 1,894 of my previous posts to get an idea of who I am before you quoted me. That would be stupid and time consuming as heck. So, how about we just let it go alright?
How typical of modern society. It's always someone else's responsibility. You jumped to a conclusion that was completely wrong and when your error was pointed out it was someone else's responsibility to have informed you. How about not reading your prejudices into a post and/or having something to base your conclusion on before imputing unethical or undesireable behavior on others? Or even simpler, how about giving someone the benefit of the doubt before making assumptions?
Or how about this, we get back on topic. As Caribou stated quite plainly in his post, he hunts them for profit. Wolves on the track of the Herds that Caribou's tribe hunts inflict damage to their way of life. They take out the caribou and literally chase them out of the area. That leaves the tribe without a huntable herd to sustain themselves for the much needed meats and hides. Anytime they come across a pack of wolves they HAVE to take out as many as they can get a shot on. It's a survival thing.
It's easy to make assumptions when a thread is so open to interpretation. This is an open forum! Why would you not write a thread that included the whole story so people know what exactly went on?

Believe me, I would have very much liked to have opened this thread, read it, and surmised "Man hunts wolves to clothe his freezing family." That would have impressed me.

Instead at the bottom of the Ops post I read "Hunt them (Wolves) for fun and profit!!"

So tell me. What exactly was I supposed to think without any other form of outside information?

I've already mentioned, twice, that I was in error in my assumption and that the new information I've read changed my opinion about what I assumed earlier. What is it exactly you want me to do about it?
I'm not really sure what the objection was to begin with, other than a general condemnation of shooting things and enjoying it. I think there are a lot of misconceptions packed into the "disappointment."
Good shooting Caribou. Ive always enjoyed your threads and pictures. Keep 'em coming.

walking aresenal said:
So tell me. What exactly was I supposed to think without any other form of outside information?

I've already mentioned, twice, that I was in error in my assumption and that the new information I've read changed my opinion about what I assumed earlier. What is it exactly you want me to do about it?

Who cares what you think? As long as what Caribou was doing is legal(I'm 100% certain it is), who are you to judge? If something offends you, dont post anything and get over it.
Yes yes yes...

I didnt think of new to my threads kinda guys,and I should have mentioned I am a Subsistance Hunter, but that seems , sometimes, like repaeting myself...~~LOL!!~~

I am a skilled Wolf Hunter, and we have things you dont down there in the lower 49 with Wolfs........ours has never been put outta wack. Our Caribou herd with lows of375,000 to a high of 410,000 has been stable for 28 years, and healthy, as Wolves to eat the sick , weak and wounded. Among those weak, in December, are the malnurished skinny Bulls that two months ago were prime, and didnt eat at all during rut, and they are "Wolf Bait" in my world.
Our Herds are always on the move and so are the Wolves.
We dont have roads, fences or a Human population that encroaches on their habitate. Our Borough and Hunting Unit (23) are the same , and larger in sq.miles than the state of Indiana, with 7,000 people in 11 villages, so its the same as it was 500 years ago.

Yes, we used the skin, the skull and the claws, the body for Fox traps. The skull gets cleaned and sealed in Elmers glue and sold for $$$, the claws go on necklaces, the Hide becomes $$ or clothing, which money 1/2 the time.
Gas is 8$ a gallon and many things are unavailable. Electricity is divided among 83 houses in this village and a school, so 400$ a month is normal, and my $$ is gone. Own my house, heat with wood, eat what I catch, sew the skins into $$ and carry on......also Artwork, with the animals I catch, the wood I chop, the stuff we find along the way. :D
Most often, Wolf , Wolverine and Polar Bear skins are used as trims. They are sewn to the lower edge and around the hoods of Parkas and Parkees to dampen wind comming in and seal the clothing, and having the ability to shed ice (formed from escaping body moisture) and it pulls/falls off without ripping the hairs with it. This is dead serious stuff in the Arctic.Also, trimmed edges dont rip easily and are more durable.
One Wolf can make 4 good Ruffs, 4 good trims, a small boys ruff from the tail, a pair of mittens Or Mukluk tops with the legs and a bag from the head, some stuff from the nails and the skull gets sold too......about 1,500$ in product, or just 250$ for a raw , sealed skin.
My oldest daughter ina Caribou Parkee she made herself....




Even this boat is from locally gather'd woods.
This is in harmony with whats been going on here for thousands of years. I too Hunt the Caribou , and the Wolf and I have things in common, but in Fur season, I hunt Him.
We keep no trophys on our walls, our memeories are in photos and those around us who shared the experiance, as well as more, outside the door.

Its below freezing here 8 1/2 months a year and a busy guy is a happy guy :D

"IF" your really interested, I also write in an Alaskan forum, and Im smak inna middle of explaining this very way of life.......Im not through it all, but its long on pictures and short on words.........

Enjoy if you like.
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Thanks, caribou, but it should have been obvious to anybody who's ever read even a little bit about Alaska, just from the first two sentences of your opening post and the photos, that this was not a macho tale from some weekend warrior out for a shooting session.
Thanks Caribou!

NOW I get where you are coming from AND as a bonus I even learned something! How about that!

My apologies for the ruckus for what it's worth. You're right, here in the lower 49 states we have a lot of dopes who just kill for ego boosts and bragging rights. That's not hunting and it kind of grinds my gears to see an animal wasted. You have no idea how refreshing it is to know there are still folks like you out there who know how to make good use of their bounty.

Sorry for making the wrong assumption and thanks again for filling us in on the rest of the story!
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