Woman shoots pastor, her mother and herself at Atlanta church

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willy, I understand. I respect your views and acknowledge that religious freedom is what this nation was founded upon.

That said, if one takes this view, then that is his or his house of worship's decision. However, that is not my view nor my church's (life as a gift of God, must be defended against evil at all times). I resent the government telling me that it should be.

MMcCALL :barf:
"Religion has killed more people than guns ever will, and screwed up even more people than that. I'm suprised more people don't try to take out ministers."

El Tajon

as far as CCW is concerned in church its nobodies business except for you, God an whoevers house your in.

i agree with you that the feds or the local politicians shouldnt have a say so. but if someone does not like the idea of concealed weapons in their house or business then its there right to prohibit that strictly to there property. for example. if i didnt like guns. dont bring a concealed gun in my house! however i do have an enjoy shooting so its not a dislike of guns issue. i plain an simple dont want Concealed GUNS that i dont know about in my house. fortunately i dont have to many people comin over that i wouldnt know about that problem

i know my state laws an i know there is not a prohibition of CCW in a church. i would not even want to be misunderstood by other folks as saying "You cant do that! its should be against the LAW". its between you the man an a pastor in a church. however one person brought it up.........
the Huggers an touchers in church.....could pose a mighty awkard situation

who here though has asked there spiritual leader about there feelings on the matter? govt be damned im more worried about how my preacher feels about it.

an thanks for the response El Tajon! its a thought provoker!!!
Church should be the one place to go that is free from hate, violence, racism, and sadly it isnt
Sadly, there is no place in this world that one can go and actually be free from hate and violence. That is the reason for CCW laws. Violence can find you anywhere.

true, very true.

but we wouldnt need CCW laws if guns were not stigmatized as bad things like they are. we would carry them in the open

remember when rifle racks were cool an a shotgun or rifle was the usual site in a 4x truck? sadly i do an i dont see that anymore it is relegated to a fishing pole or walking stick

remember when sex was safe an motorcycles were dangerous?

remember when guns were good an the criminals were the bad ones?
willy, I'm happy it reached you. I'm sorry if I came across as strident on this subject (occupational hazard to say the least).

I'm not and was not trying to force my religious views on you or anyone else, but rather defending the notion that government has absolutely no business telling my church (or yours) on what to believe. I have asked men more knowledgable than I about this issue.

They confirm my belief that evil exists and as we must be ready for Him, we must be ready to confront evil at all times. Our life is not ours; we live to serve others. Being ready to defend ourselves and the innocent from malice aforethought is one of the higher services we can render.:)
El Tajon

that evil exists and as we must be ready for Him, we must be ready to confront evil at all times. Our life is not ours; we live to serve others. Being ready to defend ourselves and the innocent from malice aforethought is one of the higher services we can render.

that is a couraguos (sp?) an beutiful ode to live by! i will remember that

thank you Sir!

i dont know the term strident but you have used grace an wisdom in your words an i listen to that before spite insults
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