Women and Guns - Amy Stein

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That's almost pretty standard in TX. You feed the stupid turkeys for a year at a feeder, then shoot them when they forgot to look at the calendar for hunting season and go to get some corn.

It isn't like most hunters stalk them through the woods here. Same with deer.
Someone should ask her if she is anti. I think the odd are about 90% that she is. Her photos tend to emphasize the firearms (especially, focusing on only the muzzle in that one photo) and gore (the deer). Oleg's photos emphasize the people, not the firearms. Her photos of women simply standing around with firearms, which we find merely interesting, would be jarring to hoplophobes.

I think that turkey is the decoy pictured below, by the way. Notice the breast feather sticking out in both, and otherwise identical posture and coloring? There also doesn't appear to be a hen to strut at in the first place.


Her images seem to show "curios and oddities". She got to see really neat scenes but did little with them.

FWIW, her views on the war in Iraq aren't far off from mine. I think it is a monumental waste of American lives and capital. The merits or demerits of it for the purposes of Iraqis are harder for me to judge.

As for the static/active aspects, my next photo series is based around action. We'll see how well that would work out.
So I did ask her - not a rabid anti! Very thoughtful person. Sorry to disappoin those looking for some more things to rave about.
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Her photos tend to emphasize the firearms (especially, focusing on only the muzzle in that one photo) and gore (the deer). Oleg's photos emphasize the people, not the firearms. Her photos of women simply standing around with firearms, which we find merely interesting, would be jarring to hoplophobes.

What? That's true of some of his posters that show guns being used in self-defense. Most of the others (if a gun is in the picture) seem to center on the gun, showing someone posing with a firearm, outside of any context like self-defense or hunting. In fact, most of them have a plain, white background, if I remember right. I'm not trying to knock Oleg's photos, I thought he was trying to focus on the guns in a lot of those pictures.

To me, these pictures look like normal people using or carrying their guns in a normal way, rather than posing to show off the gun.

Very odd pics on that page. The women/girls either look utterly disinterested and staged, or like a deer-in-the-headlights.

What pictures are you seeing? :confused:
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