Wood grips for a Taurus M85?

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Why do some S&W people feel compelled to post on a Taurus centered post to begin with? Do you think you elevate S&W by running down Taurus? A little too sensitive and defensive maybe? You start something and then go all indignant when someone makes a retort. Get over yourselves.
Why do you, virg, feel compelled to troll an argument here? Do you think you elevate others perception of you by portraying yourself as some righteous poster?
I didn't "start" anything, sport. I posted 2 friggin' months ago and the OP brought me back to it with a PM, so get off your high horse with your incorrect accusations. Get over yourself.
Happy to see you got the look you wanted.

Where did you get the magna style grips?
@indifferent: That's a fine looking revolver! I carry a Taurus 85ULSS in the summer months, and it's been nothing but easy to carry and dependable. If the grip helps you hit what you're aiming at, looks good, and doesn't break the bank... what's the problem?

sparkyguy66 said:
... Another attempt at making a Taurus look like a Smith. Who are we trying to fool? ...You will fool a few ppl thinking it's a S&W, till the second look reveals it isn't. Have fun!

We get it, you don't like Taurus. If you need a "Sparky doesn't like Taurus" thread, start one.
We get it, you don't like Taurus. If you need a "Sparky doesn't like Taurus" thread, start one.

I was about to post the very same thoughts. :D

I don't need no stinkin' Smith, my 85UL shoots GREAT! It's been shooting great since 1996 when I bought it new and got my new CCW permit. I still have a Smith, but why should I buy a J frame when my 85 shoots so well? Oh, oh, I know, so I can be an ass on Taurus posts, too? Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket!

Nice lookin' 85 you got there. I sorta like my "ugly" rubber, but it does look sharp with the wood. :D

MC...know that wasn't too "high road", but for some odd reason, I felt compelled to call a spade a spade.
Why do you, virg, feel compelled to troll an argument here?
The only trouble I see here is Sparky and his unsolicited, borderline nasty, and condescending comments. The OP handled them quite well, but yet Sparky persisted.

I think a "Sparky doesn't like Taurus" thread is a great idea. He can go there and play with himself. :)
Taurus bashing is the only hobby some people have. I like my Taurus just fine and plan on owning more. I also own S&W.
BTW, what's the definition of a Troll? Is it a guy that enters a topic of conversation with the intent to cause trouble? Who's the troll here, anyway?

A wise man once said, "If ya ain't got something good to say, don't say anything." But, as we all know, that don't apply to the internet.
My old Taurus 85CH works just fine. It even came with grips like those the OP found to replace his originals, so I never had to go shopping.

I'm a Smith&Wesson man through and through, but A) the Tauri I have owned have all gone bang when I wanted them to, and B) I've never felt the need to bash anyone because of their choice in guns.

Well, except Glock owners, of course... :neener:
Well the grips are from Ebay, but I had to wait for the Tylers.
I never felt too razzed by the guys talking about Smiths as being better. But I did send a message to everyone that originally helped with my search as well as the ones giving me support and even the negative comments. I didn't think this would be a bad thing, let them see the "vision" that I had, but it led to some arguing amongst the posters. Apoligies. I think the main thing is that we are united in the fact of firearms are good, the brand should not be the concern. And since some think Taurus are bad, I have not had an issue with mine (except when I took it apart, I could'nt get it back together right), my Dad has a Smith no issues too. Again to each their own, and thanks to all its been fun.

High Road

And I really like the grips.

I have a set of Taurus oversized walnut grips on my 605, as I have never liked the feel (or dare I say look) of black rubber grips.
I'm so glad I found this thread.

Looking for these?

For the Taurus model 605, although from my research, I think they'd fit the 85 as well...the small frame Taurus'.

If so, go here (The Trading Post).
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Yea, I know, old thread. But that Taurus came out good looking. Have a blue 605 I'd like to do that to, but the occasional .357 cylinders would really hurt then. :eek:
LOL, it's last post was only a few months ago! It all fit so well, I had to revive it.

I know what you mean about the magnums. I have one, too.

Ah...but this would allow you to an alternative! Like a change of clothes? Or don't shoot mags!

Have a good evening.
Hi Wifey, I see you are in my neck of the woods. Do you got Insight or Brea's (La Habra) range? I am happy with the gun. Still no issues. Still looks good. Still goes bang everytime. Good luck all.
Indifferent, I'm late to this thread, but that's a sharp looking little snub you have there.

Big fan of the Tyler T-grips. I have them on all my revolvers, even including one Iver Johnson that I did a little dremel adapting to make fit.

Nice to see that the Tylers fit the Taurus so well. I'd consider snagging one for myself if Taurus double actions were "approved" for my rediculous state!

Again, sharp looking revolver , and nice job!
I don't remember seeing the finished result. NICE! I know I'd seen it, just didn't remember it. I kinda prefer boot grips, but the look is nicer, more classic. And Sparkyguy66 reminds me that there really are jerks on the internet. No one invited him in this thread. Just another jerk. I bet he got a good butt kickin' a few times when he was a high school bully.:rolleyes:

I'd like the look, but I think rubber works a little better on my Ultralite. It's a little rough with +P, no magnum mind you, but light and you feel it. The rubber helps a little.

And, since this thread was current, Ajax went belly up.....:( They had some good stuff and offered stuff for Taurus and Rossi that might be hard to find elsewhere.
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Hi Indifferent. I don't usually shoot at indoor ranges. We shoot mostly out doors, especially at competitions. Or we go to BLM land above Mojave City.

We went New Years Day and the weather was perfect. Not a bit of wind, and thanks to the rain, super clear skies. You could see the snow on the mountains...the same ones that are the backdrop for the NYD Parade on Colorado Blvd.

Sunset was awesome. This is from a moving vehicle...

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