Would you warn someone off a sale or mind your own business?

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I have to agree with most others here. It is impolite and mistaken to interupt a sale just so you can get your two cents in. Give your opinion when it is asked for, and remember that it is an opinion and not everyone's version of fact.
Unless you have a personal interest in the deal, i.e., the guy is paying you for advice, or he specifically asks you, the best posture is MYOB.
Generally I'll keep quiet.

However, I think it's a different story when the seller is misrepresenting the product or laws relating thereto.

Example 1 (from rec.guns a while back): someone bought a "pre-ban" Glock 23 b/c the dealer told him only "pre-ban" Glocks could be used legally with pre-ban high-cap mags.

Example 2 (at a SE PA gunshow): dealer has sign on his table saying "buy a trigger lock, comply with federal law".

The situation described by the initial poster does not involve misrepresentation as far as I can tell. So in that situation I'd clam up.
While some may perceive Wolf to be junk ammo, to others (specifically those who train), it may not. Why? Wolf is excellent for increasing both your level of proficiency with the fundamentals of marksmanship as well as your proficiency on how to perform malfunction clearance drills.

So unless you train, most people wouldn't be aware of that, so its probably best to mind your own business and keep your mouth shut rather than risk getting punched in the nose by the merchant and/or the customer.
I'd bite my tongue. A smart man knows what to say and a wise man knows when to say it.
It depends on:

A) Whether I like the shop/seller in question, and therefore do or do not want the seller to make a sale; and
B) Whether I perceive the buyer to be someone who is likeable. If he seems like he's intelligent and likeable, and/or cares about the RKBA, I'd probably help out. If he seems like duckhunter type, who could care less about the 2A, then I probably would not help, as I have nothing but utter contempt for those types.

"...as well as your proficiency on how to perform malfunction clearance drills."

Lol - while true, I'd have to say that you must be one of those "glass half full" people.

Generally, I'd keep quiet, as someone else mentioned, unless a misrepresentation was being made.
Futo Inu,

"Duck Hunter type"?

I resemble that remark. I hunt ducks as I am sure many here do.

I am also legal to carry concealed in three states -more to come.

We try not to put forth any prejudices in this board. And to be prejudged to be not interrested in RKBA, not to mention the backhanded attack at the intelligence of duck hunters in general, because I hunt ducks is slightly upsetting.


You have now been told off in two languages. Any referrences to your parentage were intentional.


Don't get your feathers ruffled, Double. The term "duck hunter type" is not intended to refer to all persons who hunt ducks, but only to those who think that the 2A is ONLY about duck hunting and therefore don't object to "common sense gun control".

IOW, duck hunting idiots who are aiding and abbetting the enemy. (And i use the term, "enemy" in its fullest sense.)

The term is a poor one, as it does denote all duck hunters, but the intent is to insult only that subset of duck hunters that has feathers for brains.

BTW, where are you from? Your quack has an interesting accent.

Generally, MYOB, caveat emptor.

Every situation is different, but I'd have a hard time standing by listening to someone blatantly lie about something of substance . . . . e.g. serious $$$ involved, significant legal consequences, or bodily injury.
Unless the product is blatantly being misrepresented, then I would say keep your mouth shut and move on. If Wolf was indeed $64 a thousand, I would've taken a couple cases myself - the going rate around here is about $60 for 500 and $110 for 1K. Wolf shoots like a dream through both my PCR-45 and PCR-9.
What exactly is wrong with buying Wolf at that price? Sounds like a great deal i wish this shop was close to me.
That's right - I should have elaborated - by "duck hunter types", I did indeed mean "duck hunters who don't join the NRA and do nothing for RKBA and support gun bans types" - not that I'd be likely to ascertain that fact just by observing a transaction, but IF somehow I could, I'd let such types get it stuck to them with much glee. Told off in duck language - lol. :)
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