WOW!! I Just Got New Eyes.

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Sep 28, 2007
Southern California
I am a 63 year old avid shooter/instructor. I have been shooting for most of my life. My near and far eyesight has been deteriorating over time, and for the past 15 years, I have been wearing bifocals. Without glasses, nothing is clear.

As those of you who wear bifocals know, if you try to shoot with bifocals, it is hard to get the front sight in focus without bending your head back unaturally far, and if you shoot with reading glasses so that you can keep your front sight in focus, when you are finished, you can't see anything in the distance.

I went for my annual eye exam last week and told the doctor that i wanted to try contact lenses. At first he suggested monocular vision with one eye for distance and one eye for close up, but I said no, just give me lenses for distance and if i have to wear reading glasses, i can live with that.

WOW!! I got fitted for Acuvue Oasys and my vision is now 20/20 and I can see distance perfectly, but also, I can focus close up without reading glasses. In fact, I can actually read better with the contacts than i could previously with the reading glasses.

Needless to say, this makes shooting a heck of a lot easier and I don't need to wear protective glasses over my reading glasses. Best of all, I can leave these in day and night for 7 days and I don't even feel them.

Any of you with similar problems might like to try this solution.
I'm facing cataract surgery sometime in the next year (I've got Cadillacs in both my eyes!!) and its certain the lens implants will not give me 20/20 vision so contacts just might be the ticket. With severe myopia contacts just did not work before but after this surgery they may. My mother had lens implants about ten years ago and just tossed her glasses in the trash, I hope to be as lucky.
I was in the same boat, but just never could get the hang of using contacts so I had Lasik. It been great!
I wear contacts, but I have to use readers for close up. For shooting, I had my doc prescribe the weakest power that allows me to see the front sight clearly. Left eye has a blank lens.

I tried bi-focal contacts, but couldn't see clearly up close or at distance.
Seeing the sights is gun related.
Seeing the target is gun related.

i am looking forward to (?) lens implants in the not-to-far distant future,
but I am thinking of wearing protective lenses on an every day basis even with them
I went for my annual eye exam last week and told the doctor that i wanted to try contact lenses. At first he suggested monocular vision with one eye for distance and one eye for close up, but I said no, just give me lenses for distance and if i have to wear reading glasses, i can live with that.

I'm confused. You ended up going with his suggestion or not?

Also, might sound like a stupid question, but if you are a right handed shooter, your distance lens is in your right hand eye, correct?
Sorry. To make it clear, i went with the distance only prescription in both eyes. But, because the contact lenses are right on the eye, instead of an inch in front, like with glasses, they really correct the vision extremely well. I do not need reading glasses and i see perfectly in both eyes, both near and far.
I'm glad they're working for you! I've tried contacts a few times and always had a bad experience with them. They're just not for me. And I'm too much of a coward for Lasik. The thought of someone modifying my eyeballs makes me cringe. Is that really successful for better shooting?
I'm 27 and nearsighted. Astigmatisms in both eyes. I've found that glasses make it harder to focus on the front sight post, as other posters have stated.

Contacts seem to be much better at seeing clearly to me. My glasses don't make things as sharp. With contacts, my vision is 20/15. With the glasses, it's something like 20/25.

I usually wear contacts, but if I have to wear glasses for some reason (lots of sand, etc.) I have a pair of prescription lenses that fit a pair of ESS ICE eye protection, or I wear a pair of Wiley-X eye pro with the contacts to keep the dust out.
I thought this was going to be an add testimonial for those pills you see in the back of American Rifleman and other gun mags. Btw, you should give your eye doc a free firearm instruction/training lesson to show your gratitude, or if he's not a shooter, recruit him and kill two birds with one stone.
I have the opposite experience. I am extremely near-sighted (-8.5 both eyes) and I have bad astigmatism as well. At those numbers contact lens manufacturers just aren't able to grind out as exact a prescription as regular glasses. So for me glasses are always better.

My contacts work if I'm shooting large targets but for target shooting I cannot focus on a little dot in the distance. I also lose resolution up close due to the prescription not being exact.
I have had lens replacements in both eyes. I now have 20/30 R and 20/40 L. I have been half blind so long that my current visual acuity seems better than those numbers would indicate. I see colors with outstanding, brilliant clarity.

I went to the pistol range after everything healed and shot 9s and 10s without any kind of corrective glasses. What a difference! My Fastfire sight no longer has double images on my .22; my target sights on the .38 are crystal clear. I'm going out with my M1 this week - - - everything is clear, so I'm anxious to see how I do. I wish I had done it sooner.:)
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