Xanga vs. Blogspot (to talk about guns)

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Jun 5, 2003
Which online diary/journal/blog type site do you use? I'm considering making my own (to keep my friends and family updated with my gun purchases and range experiences).

For starters I see Xanga and BlogSpot as being quite popular?

I'm looking for something free.
I use blogspot all the time....it's a bit limited in terms of things like categorizing posts and so forth, and I had to use haloscan for comments, but it suits me fine, as I'd rather spend time ranting than futzing with software.

I talk about gun rights on it all the time, they don't seem to mind ;)

Geek with a .45 - your journal was actually the one that made me want to start my own. I spent about half an hour browsing it this weekend. Good stuff :)
My life is too boring and uneventful to waste webpage space detailing the in's and out's. Maybe if something exciting happens, I'll start sharing with the world. ;)
Livejournal here. Not really gun related, though I am on a few communities related to guns.

Whenever Oleg makes a new pic, it shows up on my friends page. :rolleyes:
If you want a free one Blogspot is best. If you dont mind paying a little I would suggest buying your own domain and hosting space and using Word Press, its pretty versitile and easy to use. Its what I got set up on mine.

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