yildiz 20ga o/u

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the r.o.c.

Jan 2, 2012
north georgia
hey everyone, new member here with a question. i just got a yildiz 20 o/u, very pretty little gun. i read the owners manual, all 10 pages of it. i noticed on the barrel, 3" mag shells. can i use 2 3/4" in it? ive got 4 boxex of them and 0 3" shells. deer hunting just ended here and rabbit season starts for me this week. im a little confused about this and dont want to mess up. nothing in the book about shell size. i have a hunt planned for this week, any advice would be appreciated. the r.o.c.
Absolutely, yes. Not a problem. You would merely be using a shell 1/4' shorter and it will work perfectly... Actually, were it mine, I'd never buy any 3" 20 ga. shells. I am not fond of the ballistics of the 3" 20 ga. Too much bang and not enough results. You will never miss the additional "whatever" the 3" 20 ga. is supposed to give. It is considered overall to be one of the least ballistically-effective or delivers the least on the promise a 3" is supposed to deliver.
I do it in my 12 and 20 all the time, shoot 2 3/4" in a 3" chamber. But, don't try shooting a 3" shell in a 2 3/4" chamber.

My Spartan SxS does not pattern very well with 3" steel shot I've tried. It ain't real great with number 4 lead 3", either. Shoots 2 3/4" 7/8 ounce 7.5s very well. I default to one of my 3 12 gauges if I need more than 2 3/4" 20 gauge and I only really need more if I'm forced (waterfowl law) to shoot steel shot. 2 3/4" 3 steel 12 gauge hi speed patterns MUCH better than my 20 shooting any 3" I've tried. It's all about the pattern. PLUS, high speed stuff, fasteel, hits HARD. I haven't seen it available for 20, only 12 gauge.
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